France: A man armed with a knife was arrested on the RER D regional train for glorifying terrorism. He threatened the passengers by invoking ‘Allah’

According to reports from Europe 1, a man armed with a knife was arrested on the RER D regional train on Tuesday morning for glorifying terrorism. He was taken into police custody.

A man armed with a knife was arrested early Tuesday morning on the RER D near Maisons-Alfort in the Val-de-Marne department. According to information from Europe 1, the 35-year-old offender, who is known to the police, threatened the passengers with statements about ‘Allah’. He was eventually arrested and taken into police custody. /Maisons-Alfort (94) : un homme armé d’un couteau interpellé dans le RER D pour apologie du terrorisme. Il a menacé les passagers en faisant référence à “Allah” – Fdesouche