France: A man armed with a knife is struck down with a taser in the street after shouting ‘Allah Akbar’

On Sunday morning, there was a major incident in Brou-sur-Chantereine, near Chelles, after a man pulled out a knife in the street and shouted ‘Allahu akbar’. The incident took place shortly before 9.30am on Avenue Jean-Jaurès in front of a bakery. A shop owner then called the police, who obviously took the incident very seriously. Three police vehicles arrived at the scene very quickly. In the meantime, the man, who was said to have behaved in a threatening manner, had not attacked anyone else. The police tracked him down and tried to arrest him, but he refused to be detained.

According to the police, they had to use their stun gun to force him to give in. After using their stun gun, the police found the knife he had been carrying outside the bakery.

The police intervened very quickly,’ confirmed Stéphanie Barnier (PS), the mayor of Brou-sur-Chantereine, who was kept informed of the events. As for the person in question, it is someone who is known in the area for psychiatric problems and who regularly makes incoherent statements.’
Following his arrest, the man was to undergo a psychiatric examination to determine his condition and to consider whether or not he should be committed. The public prosecutor’s office in Meaux did not respond to our enquiries.

Seine-et-Marne : un homme tasé en pleine rue après avoir crié « Allahou akbar » armé d’un couteau – Le Parisien

2 thoughts on “France: A man armed with a knife is struck down with a taser in the street after shouting ‘Allah Akbar’”

  1. “psychiatric problems and who regularly makes incoherent statements.’”

    Nothing incoherent, he’s just being a typical savage barbarian muslim!

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