Antisemitism, Antizionism, Jihadism and the Reunited Germany. News by Fred Alan Medforth
France: A 35-year-old Sudanese man legally in the country is arrested after waving a knife in front of a resident while shouting “Allah Akbar” and threatening French people with death
En état d’ébriété, il se serait alors précipité sur la victime et lui aurait asséné des coups de poing au niveau du dos et de la tête. Il était accompagné d'un autre homme, qui aurait contemplé toute la scène, d'un air moqueur. Les faits se seraient déroulés vers 7h du matin 2/4
Interpellé, le suspect est un ressortissant soudanais, dénommé Idriss M. A., connu des services de police pour port d’arme, outrage et exhibition sexuelle, violences avec usage ou menace d’une arme blanche. Mais inconnu de la documentation RT 4/4
Translation: Info @Cnews: According to a #police source, a 35-year-old Sudanese man with legal residence status was arrested yesterday in Nantes after he allegedly waved a knife at a local resident who was about to go 🥐 shopping, shouting “Allah Akbar, down with the French, I’m going to kill him”. While drunk, he lunged at the victim and delivered punches to his back and head. He was accompanied by another man who watched the whole scene with a sneering look. The crime is said to have taken place at around 7 a.m. 2/4… on one of the city’s main arteries, known as the Cours des 50 otages. Two hours later, when the victim went to the police station to lodge a complaint, the victim again saw his (alleged) attacker assaulting another passer-by 3/4The suspect is a Sudanese national named Idriss M. A., who is known to the police for possession of weapons, insult and exhibitionism, and assault with the use or threat of a stabbing weapon. However, unknown to the RT 4/4 documentary