A teenager from Combs-la-Ville (Seine-et-Marne) was arrested on Wednesday evening after a disturbing discussion on Discord, an instant messaging service popular with gamers. He claimed he wanted to extort ransom money by threatening to hack into schools’ digital workspaces (ENT). He professed allegiance to Al-Qaeda to appear more convincing. He has since been released.
The boy was taken into police custody while his computer equipment and phone were confiscated to be analysed by investigators. Afterwards, the minor freely admitted to being the author of the message in which he announced that he would demand ransom from schools and threatened to hack into the digital education places (ENT). In doing so, he mentioned Al-Qaeda, which had recently made threats to France, in order to appear “convincing”. Already on Thursday, the student was released. However, the police are continuing their investigation to make sure once and for all that it was indeed a false alarm. […] Le Parisien