France: A 16-year-old high school student, who has a record for Islamism and as a dangerous person, is taken into police custody after making death threats against her teacher who had made ‘remarks about her clothes’

A 16-year-old pupil at the Lycée Charles Cros in Carcassonne (Aude) was taken into police custody on Wednesday May 29 because of death threats against her teacher, Le Figaro has learned from consistent sources. These threats are said to be linked to comments the teacher had made the day before about the pupil’s clothes at school, the Carcassonne public prosecutor’s office confirmed to us.

According to our information, the teenager is registered in the S file (abbreviation for ‘sûreté de l’État’, editor’s note) because of her links to the Islamist movement. On May 15, she was even issued with an individual measure of administrative control and surveillance (MICAS) prohibiting her from being in the vicinity of the Olympic flame procession in Carcassonne on May 16, according to a source familiar with the case.

A complaint was filed by Joël Laporte, Academic Director of the Directorate of Departments of the Department of Education of the Aude (DSDEN), as confirmed to Le Figaro by the Rectorate of the Montpellier Academy. ‘The Rector, Sophie Bejean, and the Academic Director of the DSDEN of Aude, Joël Laporte, strongly condemn the threats made and express their full support for the teacher who was attacked,’ the Rectorate said.

The headteacher imposed provisional coercive measures on the pupil before disciplinary proceedings are initiated. She was banned from entering the school. The teacher who was verbally assaulted was offered a support and counselling programme, as the headmaster’s office finally announced. The pupil was still in police custody on Wednesday evening. Le Figaro

Carcassonne (11) : une lycéenne de 16 ans, fichée S pour islamisme, placée en garde à vue après des menaces de mort envers son enseignante ayant fait “des remarques sur sa tenue” – Fdesouche