For the Islamic festival of Eid? More than 20 sheep stolen from German pasture

Zeilitzheim , Wikimedia Commons , Monandowitsch, CC-BY-SA-4.0

A real upsetting for a shepherd: he found several dead sheep in his pasture and 22 animals had also disappeared. The police suspect that the animals were stolen for the Islamic festival of sacrifice.
A shepherd from the district of Schweinfurt recently made a shocking discovery: He found several of his sheep dead in a pasture near the Kolitzheim district of Zeilitzheim. There is no trace of 22 lambs.
Unknown persons are said to have entered the pasture to steal the lambs. They must have come in large vehicles to transport the animals away. As the shepherd reports, the missing lambs weigh around 50 kilograms each. During the theft, several sheep are said to have panicked, got caught in the pasture fence and died.

The police also suspect that the thefts could be linked to the Islamic festival of sacrifice, which is celebrated from the 15th to the 19th of June. Muslims celebrate this festival by honouring the tale of Ibrahim and his son Ishmael, which is told in the Koran. This story is also known in Judaism and Christianity, where Abraham is supposed to sacrifice his son Isaac.
The damage caused amounts to around 5000 euros. The investigation is ongoing.

Für islamisches Opferfest? Mehr als 20 Schafe von der Weide gestohlen | Exxpress