It is no longer conscionable to entrust children to union-controlled public schools:
In Plainview ISD (Plainview South Elementary School in in Plainview, Texas), a first grade little girl was sexually assaulted by multiple boys in her classroom, with the teacher in the room. It was filmed on a school iPad. …
The school decided to NOT tell the family of the victim.
If parents are not told that their children are being transsexualized, why would they need to know when they are raped on video during class?
Concerned by changes in the 6-year-old’s behavior, her parents asked the right questions to learn what happened.
After approaching the school, the staff revealed that they knew.
Now that this has gotten out to the public, Joe Biden’s FBI is stepping in. That would be the same leftist apparatus that terrorized parents for speaking out at schoolboard meetings about the depraved sexualization of their children by government schools.
Plainview parents say it isn’t an isolated incident:
According to [a] Plainview South Elementary parent, multiple parents and guardians of students at that campus have made reports regarding their kids being pressured to perform sexual acts. …
“There have been multiple moms coming out about stuff that has been happening all year and nothing is being done about it,” a parent said…
Our society weans kids on ubiquitous hardcore pornography (with the UN’s approval), bombards them with perverted sex ed from kindergarten, then lets them run riot in the classroom. What other outcome were we expecting?
More than 25 school employees were arrested for sexual misconduct with students over the past week alone…
In what has become a surging nationwide epidemic, teachers, counselors, and other staffers — both men and an increasing number of women — are targeting students for sexual gratification.
Schools have been repurposed and now serve largely as a means for recruiting children into LGBTism. This is bound to affect what sort of people go into teaching.
Bad enough we are forced to pay for public schools. Worse still would be subjecting children to them.
Governor Abbott! Class Action Lawsuit, imprison all parties involved, tomorrow! File charges, massive LE presence there (not FBI), and get the damn job done.