Well, what’s that supposed to be? An extremely unusual nativity scene is now causing a lot of amusement on social media. The reason: the Holy Family has been replaced by crooked fir trees. The sight is anything but Christmassy …
In the deeply Catholic Upper Palatinate (Bavaria), of all places, a nativity scene is now causing hilarity on social media. The reason: the Holy Family has been replaced by Christmas trees, which have sometimes been ‘creatively’ decorated with flower pots and red Christmas tree baubles as noses. ‘I can’t take it all anymore,’ moans one X user.
Her snapshot went viral within a few hours and caused a lot of amusement: ‘Who are they? The ghosts of Christmas? That looks pretty strange,’ marvelled one X user. ‘Looks more like green flu than a Christian nativity scene,’ commented another user with a smile. Another user has a sad suspicion: ‘Do they no longer dare to show Mary, Joseph and the newborn Jesus in the manger?’.
Nordmann statt Maria: Über diese Weihnachtskrippe lacht jetzt das Netz | Exxpress