Female progressive in Clergyface reimagines Jesus Christ as an abortion mill worker

By Olivia Murray

In a dark world, both spiritually and morally, the Christian church is meant to serve as a light to humanity—the Apostle John even allegorizes certain churches as “lampstands” in the Book of Revelation.

Well, it’s safe to say that the light of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has long been extinguished; the oil is all dried up, the wick is no longer smoldering, and its leaders are the epitome of the (spiritually) blind leading the (spiritually) blind.

Case in point: Rebecca Todd Peters, one of the churches female “pastors,” recently made the claim that if Jesus Christ were here today, he’d be doing the dirty and murderous work of a seedy abortion mill, “holding women’s hands and offering support and love” as a hired assassin stabs, dismembers, and rends the precious little ones in their wombs into pieces for extraction—yes the same little ones that Peters would theoretically believe were created and knitted together in the womb by the God she pretends to serve. See what Peters had to say in a recent “sermon” before “churchgoers” below:

The “hatred” from “protesters?” Are we talking about some dramatized pro-abortion music video scene or real life? I’ve personally spent countless hours on the sidewalk outside the Tucson Planned Parenthood abortuary, and with a clean conscience, I can aver that I’ve never witnessed a single act of aggression or hate from the pro-life crowd—however, I have seen a number of vicious fits from the clients, or even people driving by, deeply disturbed by someone silently praying, or offering gifts of layettes.

Peters should count her lucky stars that Jesus Christ isn’t here today, because if He were, according to the very faith in which she proclaims to believe, she’d be crying out for boulders to crush her, to avoid the wrath of the Lamb (Jesus). From Revelation:

And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

According to this Scripture, in which Peters ostensibly claims to believe, people of every conceivable status will find themselves wanting; it won’t matter if you were a king, if you donned clergy robes, or if you fancied yourself virtuous, thinking (in error) that you were doing the right thing—retribution will come, and there will be no one to whom you may appeal. (Perhaps Peters ought to familiarize herself with the phrase, “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”)

Peters herself is post-abortive, having been pregnant four times (only allowing two of those children to live), and reportedly volunteers as a “clinic escort” on a monthly basis, to “seek to respond to Micah’s call in my life.” Peters is referring to Micah 6:8, which she calls her “motto” and “mantra,” that instructs the reader to “do justly,” “love mercy,” and “walk humbly” with the Lord. Now Proverbs 6 details “six things” that the God of the Bible hates, including but not limited to, hands that shed innocent blood. The Old Testament is full of instances in which God makes this clear; what immediately comes to my mind is the death of wicked Jehoram at the hands of Jehu, whose body was then thrown into the vineyards that once belonged to Naboth, before it had been stolen by Jehoram’s even nastier parents (Ahab and Jezebel). As God has routinely punished hands that shed innocent blood, I’m entirely confident that God does not look upon the “work” of an abortion mill as a just, loving, merciful, or humble endeavor.

Of course, nothing about a progressive female “pastor” makes sense, but an X user has the best response: “What in the demonic dribble was that!?”
