“Extremely dangerous” Somali beheader escapes while on the loose to visit a cinema in Germany

Escaped during a visit to the cinema: The convicted manslayer Mursal M. Photo: Police Deggendorf

Justice scandal in Bavaria: A 24-year-old Somali fled during an escorted exit. Just three years ago, the man had slaughtered a 52-year-old in a homeless shelter with 111 stab wounds and then cut off his victim’s head.

But on Thursday afternoon, Mursal M., who had been convicted of manslaughter, was allowed to go to the cinema and escaped from his guards. The police categorised the killer as “extremely dangerous” and warned passers-by during his escape not to approach or speak to him. At around midnight, police officers discovered him in Plattling and arrested him “following information from the public”, according to the press release.

According to the court ruling at the time, which is available to JUNGEN FREIHEIT, on 9 October 2018, M. ” was granted asylum by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as part of the resettlement programme and was brought to Germany by plane on October 15, 2018″.

Because the doctors had certified that he had committed the crime in a schizophrenic state, the man was not sent to prison but to the Mainkofen district hospital in Lower Bavaria – five kilometres from Plattling. He also escaped from there. At the time, the Deggendorf district court had believed that M. had seen demons in the victim that he wanted to kill.

Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) told the Bild newspaper: “I will initiate a detailed investigation into why the district hospital allowed this highly dangerous man to visit the cinema in the first place.”

Warum darf ein „äußerst gefährlicher“ Killer ins Kino gehen? (jungefreiheit.de)