Despite anti-Semitic hate speech: Islamist hate rapper Abu-Shaqra now naturalised in Germany

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He posts hate and incitement against the Jewish state, makes Islamist rap – and yet he was naturalised!
In a rap video published at the beginning of January, rapper Abu Shaqra from Halle cheered the Hamas massacre on October 7: ‘My people, they are making history,’ said the rapper, adding that the ‘Jerusalem flood’ was coming at lightning speed; an allusion to the operation name al-Aksa flood, as Hamas officially calls the attack on October 7.
More than 1000 Jews were murdered by the Islamists that day and 250 people were abducted. Obviously a reason for Abu Shaqra to rejoice.
Behind the pseudonym is Mohammed H. (18), who says he grew up in Syria. In February of this year, he received his naturalisation certificate from the city of Halle – a month and a half after he published the anti-Semitic hate song.
In November, the Ministry of the Interior of Saxony-Anhalt issued a decree stating that a commitment to Israel’s right to exist was a prerequisite for naturalisation.

Did Abu Shaqra know about it? He removed the hate song from his social media profile shortly before his naturalisation, but the recordings are still circulating online amongst his fans. The hate rapper was apparently even supported by state-sponsored initiatives.
In a video from the Ministry of Family Affairs’ “Competence Network for Coexistence in the Migration Society”, “Abu Shaqra” appears as a representative of the Scout Spirits group.
He would like ‘more space for the young people’, says ‘Abu Shaqra’. It was very hard for his group to find an area where they could carry out all their projects.

His wish came true: on November 18, 2023, ‘Abu Shaqra’ was able to record his hate song at the ‘Passage 13’ meeting centre (Halle). The centre cooperates with the model project ‘Unserhayat – Unser Leben’, which in turn is funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs’ “Live Democracy!” programme.

Apparently none of the numerous youth workers and employees in the initiatives notice how the adolescent Abu Shaqra is slipping away, even though he is showing ever clearer signs of radicalisation on Instagram.
He writes that the West has conspired against Muslims in order to eradicate and subjugate them. He also shows himself to be a follower of the Salafist preacher Othman al-Khamees, who insulted Jews and Christians as monkeys and pigs.
In photos, Abu Shaqra increasingly shows an upraised index finger: the so-called ‘tauhid finger’ is particularly popular among supporters of the terrorist group ‘Islamic State’. It is used to propagate an Islamist ideology of superiority that at least implies the use of violence against ‘infidels’.

Hajo Berger from the Alliance Against Anti-Semitism Halle has meticulously documented the young person’s activities, telling the tabloid BILD: ‘The rapper Abu Shaqra published his song on social media in order to spread his anti-Semitic fantasies of annihilation.’
The real scandal, however, was ‘that a youth centre made itself available as a space for this and organised an evening for anti-Semitic rap together with the organisation Scout Spirit’.
And the justice system? Public prosecutor Benedikt Bernzen – who recently took Björn Höcke to court – was unable to find any criminal content in the hate song.
Rather, it is ‘lyrical verses that express an inner connection to the state of Palestine and its people – apparently motivated by the violent events in Israel and Gaza since October 7, 2023’, according to the Halle public prosecutor.
Drago Bock, spokesman for the city of Halle, told BILD: ‘If the allegations are confirmed, this would explicitly contradict the city’s basic maxims for integrative youth work.

Trotz antisemitischer Hetze: Hass-Rapper Abu-Shaqra eingebürgert | Politik |