Delinquents take over petrol station near Paris

In Villiers-le-Bel (Val d’Oise), a group of “youths” requisitioned a Total petrol station this week while filtering access to motorists.

The scene was hardly believable. Several individuals with a migration background (known as “youths” in France) took control of a petrol station in Villiers-le-Bel and to ensure the distribution of fuel to their own advantage.

Thus, while the inhabitants of the neighbourhood were allowed to help themselves freely, the others were offered cans filled by the delinquents, the price of which was set by them. Some motorists who refused “their services” were assaulted and asked to leave the queue, CNews reported. Some even had their vehicles pelted with rocks.

The police were alerted and intervened. A young man of about 20 was arrested and taken into custody. The fuel crisis in France has caused huge lines to petrol stations in the country. Three out of six refineries are currently shut down in France, due to worker strikes that have cut production by sixty percent.

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