By Olivia Murray
Since mutilating and disfiguring the genitals of minors, chopping off children’s healthy body parts in Mengele-type experimental surgeries, and injecting human beings with synthetic cross-sex hormones to affirm a debilitating mental delusion apparently weren’t enough to compel the left to drop the “gender”-bending madness, I doubt the findings of a new study from Denmark will be either—although they should. According to a new article out at Slay News by David Lindfield:
The risk of heart disease is soaring among the growing number of transgenders being prescribed life-altering hormone drugs.
A new study published in the peer-reviewed European Journal of Endocrinology revealed that male transvestites taking feminizing hormones are 93% more likely to suffer heart disease than other men.
Female transgenders taking male testosterone are also 63% more likely to suffer heart disease than other women.
The study was published in September by the peer-reviewed European Journal of Endocrinology, and aside from the mental damage done by taking pharmaceuticals to interfere with natural sexual development and characteristics, the physical damage is seemingly undeniable—when will enough be enough for the left? If a patient comes in seeking help for suicidal ideations, are healthcare professionals supposed to advise that he or she to act on such harmful thoughts? No! Of course not!
But, as medicine shifts further left under the banner of “universal healthcare” or “socialized medicine,” self-harm is encouraged, and destruction of the human body and person becomes a celebrated “treatment.” Just take a look at Canada and its promotion of euthanasia as a panacea… even for individuals suffering from depression, who want to live.
This study is just one more reminder that leftists and their beliefs—in this case “gender-affirming healthcare”—are completely incompatible with the Judeo-Christian culture with its accompanying tenets of unalienable rights like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.