Culture of Death: Under Labour Leftist Government, British Parliament to Vote on Assisted Suicide Law

Globalists are the same anywhere in the world: they will promise the best of worlds when in the opposition, only to unleash a series of horrors when in power – and the culture of death is always waiting to manifest itself.

The United Kingdom under the Labour Party is no exception.

It arises now that British lawmakers will, in mid-October, consider ‘giving terminally ill adults a choice to end their own lives with medical assistance.’

They are doubling down after assisted suicide was already rejected a decade ago – but proponents say now ‘a shift in public opinion’ has taken place.

A rational case can be made on the appropriateness of allowing people suffering from terminal illnesses to choose to ‘die with dignity.’ However, experience shows us that these policies rapidly progress in a way in which the thresholds are progressively lowered until we come to a point, like in Canada, where a disabled female veteran called the Health service to demand treatment, and the operator SUGGESTED that she opt for assisted suicide instead.

It is also clear that this measure is another devilish way of saving money destined for pensions.

Labour lawmaker Kim Leadbeater confirmed on Thursday that she would present a bill on assisted dying on Oct. 16.

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