Criticize multiculturalism and become a pariah

by Giulio Meotti

“I have to justify even being German, to dare to refer to Goethe. Suddenly, you are like a pariah.” This is how Uwe Tellkamp speaks at the Süddeutsche Zeitung. His is the cultural case of recent years.

Not only because in 2008 Tellkamp published the great novel “The Tower”, which sold over a million copies and describes the last years of the German Democratic Republic through the educated middle class of Dresden. It has won numerous literary awards and has been celebrated by all feuilletons and literary critics.

But literary consensus is always linked to mainstream ideological respect. Thus, when Tellkamp spoke in Dresden on refugee policy, the consensus collapsed. “Most of them do not flee from war and persecution, they come here to immigrate to the social [welfare] system. Over 95 percent “. He said that in Germany there is an “ethical corridor” in which opinions like his are “only tolerated” and there is a risk of “moral dictatorship”. Open up, heaven. The famous publisher of Tellkamp, ​​Suhrkamp, ​​attacked him; Tellkamp cancelled the tours of the novels and the press turned him into a rogue. Many presentations of his novels were skipped.

This celebrated writer returns to criticize his country’s immigration policy, stating to theSüddeutsche Zeitung: “While respecting other cultures, I would still like to preserve mine”.

“I don’t want to be like Frankfurt, I don’t want to see the situation in Frankfurt,” Tellkamp said, referring to the German city where the majority of the population is no longer native Germans. In Frankfurt, the first German city where Germans became a minority, 15 percent of the population is already of Turkish origin.

Tellkamp attacks the journalistic class that “knows what Islam is and what is good for us: I don’t want to be portrayed as a fascist, a complete idiot and a right-wing a***, I reject it, precisely because democracy is important to me” . Today Tellkamp says the conversation in Dresden was “the last truly free debate. After that it is over.” Tellkamp spoke of “journalists who are ahead of time in line with the government.”

But the Tellkamp case is not an isolated one. For years, leading German writers have been warning Europe and their country about the consequences of multiculturalism, but they never make the news when they enter that “moral corridor”.

Reinhard Jirgl, winner of the Büchner Prize, the highest literary prize in Germany, and who also lived under the GDR, in the magazine Tumult traces the opening to mass immigration to a “cult of guilt”. The biographer of philosophers, Rüdiger Safranski, writes that “Germany lost its sovereignty after 1945 as a defeated nation and we became childish, we no longer know what foreign policy means”. Safranski explained: “For people without progeny, thinking about future generations makes little sense. Therefore they behave as if they are the last link in a chain.”

At Spiegel, Safranski says that Islamic mass immigration “will be the challenge. decisive in the coming years. “” It is not a conspiracy theory that the decisive and main political task of the next 10 or 20 years will be Islamic mass immigration. There are many indications that we have to deal with huge flows of migrants. And this is where in the end you have to be realistic and ask yourself: can we still maintain the liberal society we find ourselves in in this situation? It is not about ‘the individual Muslim following his own faith.’ Political Islam is hostile to our way of life.”

The most famous German writer who survived the Holocaust, Ralph Giordano, wrote in the FAZ: “I will continue to take a critical position against those imams who use the liberal structure and tolerance of the constitution to impose totalitarian views of the state and who undermine the rules of the rule of law, using anti-Western indoctrination to teach Sharia law. I want to be able to say that I don’t want to see burqas or chadors on the German streets any more than I want to hear the muezzin calls from the minarets. Nor will I adapt my vision of freedom of expression to a demon who interprets it as follows: ‘Everyone has the right to freely express their opinion in a way that is not contrary to Sharia law’. No and three times no! “.

In Die Welt, Peter Schneider, one of the most celebrated living writers, explains that the denial of reality has destroyed democracy. “Competition for ethical superiority weighs on society. At a dinner at a foundation in Berlin, a young artist told me he doesn’t understand the refugee discussion. ‘Ten million refugees in Germany.’ he would have no problem with that ‘”.

In large German cities, 70 percent of the population will be foreigners in just twenty years. Historian Michael Paulwitz wrote: “First in the cities, then throughout the country, ethnic Germans will become a minority. It doesn’t take much imagination to imagine how profoundly the population picture will change over the next two decades ”.

“I would rather live in a dying society than in one that, due to economic and demographic speculation, mixes with foreign peoples and becomes young again,” wrotBotho Straüss, the famous writer and playwright who lives in Uckermark. His essay in Der Spiegel, entitled The Last German, caused no small amount of scandal. “Sometimes I have the impression of being among Germans only among our ancestors”. The “ancestors” to whom Straüss refers are the great spirits of German culture, destined to dissolve in a multicultural society. Straüss’s image is not that of a collapse of civilization, but of a kind of stasis, “the vision of decadence and its reinterpretation in diversity, loss as enrichment”, a “self-abandonment.”

“What could be better for the Germans than to become a strong minority in their country? ”.

Four years after the reunification of the two Germanys, the cultural pessimist Straüss had already delivered to the Spiegel an essay that caused even more sensation: “Modernity does not end in its gentle postmodern hills, but is interrupted with a culture shock”.

The biggest ideological fault today is reminding the establishment that it has set off a time bomb that is exploding in our faces.