Corsica: A young Corsican man is attacked with a knife in a car park and the attacker shouts ” On the Koran of Mecca”

Translation: ” On the Koran of Mecca”, 10 days sick leave and a stabbing.

With this reputation, at this price and with this means, an umpteenth attack took place a few days ago against a young Corsican from Furiani.
The entire family of this young man was threatened with death.

The perpetrators of this violent attack and the threats come from a group of young Arab-Muslim men who follow the same pattern as the criminal groups in the French suburbs.
This group of harmful individuals is linked to a more serious criminal group operating in the Paese Novu neighbourhood of Bastia.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Bastia, Pierre Savelli, told Corse Net Infos that this year will be the year of “public tranquillity”. Pace è salute (peace è health).

Corsica is on the advanced path of banlieurisation against a backdrop of unintegrable immigration. We have reached this point. By the servile inaction of a large part of the political class and by the complicit blindness of the territorial majority, which does not cease to consider migration and security issues as forbidden and forbidden issues.

We reject this do-gooder dictatorship. We reject the conformism of language. Corsica is confronted with a constant tension maintained by the massive presence of emigrants who bring forth many elements animated by a profoundly rapacious and revenge-seeking spirit towards native Corsicans and assimilated Europeans. Our youth suffers particularly from this.

Palatinu already pointed out this immense danger during the events in Cannes in August 2023, while the entire Corsican political class turned a blind eye, looked for a multitude of explanations and tried to reduce the whole matter to a simple question of drug trafficking, without ever being able to put the evils into words: Mass immigration, insecurity, logic of conquest.

That is enough. We, the Corsican nationalists, have resisted for years against Corsica becoming a neighbourhood for rich Parisians on summer holidays. We do not want to accept that today it is turning into a neighbourhood of rapacious, criminal non-Corsicans.

Whilst keeping a sense of proportion and emphasising the exclusively democratic and peaceful nature of our actions, we declare that we fully support this young Corsican and his family, who are valued and loved by all. They belong to us and we stand by their side in the fight against gangs from other countries who want to terrorise and threaten Corsicans.

The crime is said to have occurred on the night of January 5-6 in the car park of a large retail business in Furiani. An 18-year-old man had filed a complaint with the police station in Bastia after being the victim of a violent attack with a stabbing weapon.


Late on Sunday afternoon, January 7, the organisation Core in Fronte came out in support of the young man. In its press release, the independence movement said that “this attack by a group testifies to the ethnic fragmentation of Corsican society” and “reminds us that there is only one legal community on our land: the Corsican people, whose political rights are still not recognised”. In a context of strong social change in Corsica, as the latest INSEE figures show, these metropolitan and violent behaviours have no place in our country”.

Palatinu, for its part, considers in its statement of support that Corsica is “on the advanced path of banlieurisation against a backdrop of unintegrable immigration”. The Cultural and Identitarian Association also declares that it “fully supports this young Corsican and his family, who are appreciated and loved by all. They belong to us and we stand by their side in the face of all exogenous gangs that allegedly terrorise and threaten Corsicans.”

Furiani (20) : un jeune Corse agressé sur un parking à coups de couteau au cri de “sur le Coran de la Mecque” – Fdesouche