As far back as the 1960s and ‘70s, activists on a mission to save the planet from various environmental cataclysms (none of which ever materialized) have resorted to stoking panic to generate support for their hysterical pronouncements that all life on earth faces imminent extinction. “I don’t want you to be hopeful,” young climate activist icon Greta Thunberg once lectured the one-percenters of the Davos crowd. “I want you to panic.” Fear is a more deep-seated motivation than rational argument, especially if people are no longer falling for the sophistry and manipulated statistics from scientists corrupted by the promises of Green Reset profit and power.
Now that most people aren’t falling for the fear-mongering anymore, climate activists have given up trying to win support by manipulating people emotionally; instead, they have resorted to a counterintuitive strategy of simply antagonizing people – with traffic blockades, the destruction of priceless works of art, and eco-terrorism. The latest climate change protests include such unhinged actions as painting the Stonehenge monument, launching a sex strike, and riding naked through the streets of Madison, Wisconsin.
Last week a pair of environmental protesters from the widely-detested Britain-based Just Stop Oil group spray-painted the famed ancient Stonehenge megaliths orange, before being tackled by tourists. “We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything,” said a spokesperson for Just Stop Oil. Blah, blah, blah.
In another example, the equally unlikeable activists at PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, recently launched a campaign for women to withhold sex from their male partners until men agree to go vegan to save animals and stop climate change.
In a statement titled “Leave the Meat in the Sheets—Go Vegan in the Streets” posted on its official blog, PETA issued the call for a sex strike:
PETA is erecting—ahem—launching new ads warning that eating animal flesh can cause impotence and is calling on people to join the sex strike, and stop having sex with their meat-eating husbands and boyfriends until they go vegan. Why? A study found that men contribute significantly more to the climate catastrophe than women through their consumption of animal flesh.
It included an ad depicting a frustrated male in bed with a woman whose arms are crossed in self-righteous determination to do her part to save the planet. The caption reads, “Don’t Give a F—. Meat is linked to IMPOTENCE and clogs other arteries, too. Join PETA’s sex strike until men stop eating meat. Please, go vegan.”
This isn’t the first time PETA has tried to rally women to hold out until their men, driven mad by unfulfilled desire, are finally coerced to pretend to give up their backward, carnivorous ways. PETA told Fox News Digital,
Women went wild for PETA’s call for a sex strike on meat-eating men in 2022, and with a new study showing that men’s meaty eating habits cause 41% more greenhouse gasses, we know it’s time to ramp it back up. Women have always had power in the kitchen and the bedroom—so we’re combining them to save animals, the planet, and our men’s health. After all, vegans don’t need Viagra and all its attendant risks!
PETA didn’t offer any evidence that vegan males don’t need Viagra, but one could certainly argue that they don’t need the erectile dysfunction pill because no woman wants to have sex with a vegan man.
In yet another example of environmentalist lunacy, Fox News reports on a recent protest event called the World Naked Bike Ride, held in Madison, Wisconsin and other cities internationally. The WNBR claimed the annual event was clothing-optional, open to minors provided they attend with a parent or guardian, and focused on protesting “against oil dependence, anti-bike infrastructure, sexualization of bodies, and body disempowerment.”
That seems like an odd combination of issues until you understand that the organizers are just grasping for excuses to justify their exhibitionist assault against bourgeois values. Protesting “oil dependence” seems rather tacked-on to what is almost certainly their deeper agenda, which is to normalize exposing kids to naked adults by riding Lady Godiva-like through the streets of Midwestern America.
One of the bike riders, for example, gave away the game by admitting, “One of the things that I love about the ride is seeing families out there with parents with their kids saying, ‘Hey, look at the naked riders. Wave at the naked riders,’ things like that. The ones that are doing that are sending their children very important message that this is not weird, this is not strange.” Spoken like a true left-wing groomer.
As I’ve written before, the reason climate activists embrace tactics that alienate potential supporters is because they don’t care any longer, if they ever did, about winning people over to their side:
Despite claiming that they want to open people’s eyes to a coming global disaster, and that they want masses of supporters to help them confront government offices and disrupt fossil fuel use, the truth of the matter is that they are uninterested in persuading people. They are uninterested in winning hearts and minds. Their aim is to steamroll right over what other people want and to force political change now.
Shockingly, this strategy is not getting the climate cultists what they want, which is for Western countries to abandon our fossil fuel-driven advancements and revert to a pre-civilized state to atone for our sins against Mother Gaia, because humans bad, planet good.
Witness, for example, this condescending European take on “self-indulgent” Americans and their planet-killing air conditioning habits. These people are not progressives; they’re regressives.
The religious fanatics of environmentalism are convinced of the righteousness and urgency of their planet-saving mission. Their sense of moral superiority means they have contempt for the average citizen just trying to get on with his or her life, whose commute to work they block in order to draw media attention to their cause. They want to deconstruct and fundamentally transform our way of life, regardless of how it impacts people, because they’re certain it’s for your own good.
I have news for these climate cultists: I live in Texas, where the summer heat is – to put it charitably – unforgiving. If they want to come for my air conditioning, they’re going to have to come and pry it from my comfortably cool, dead hands. Molon labe.