Having jumped the shark years ago, the liberal media establishment no longer has to pass the laugh test. It is free to excrete headlines like this one from the Washington Post:
Tax season is getting longer. Blame climate change.
The reasoning (if you can call anything related to Democrat ideology “reasoning”):
The Earth’s warming climate is altering everything from animal migration patterns to when plants bloom. It’s also changing when Americans file taxes: As severe storms and natural disasters worsened by climate change afflict broader swaths of the country, the IRS is issuing more extensions for individuals and businesses to cope with the fallout sooner and pay taxes later.
If you can believe that global warming makes baseball players hit too many home runs, you should have no problem swallowing this story too.
What causes the supposed global warming? Could it be the perpetual fluctuation that has always characterized the climate and always will? No. It is bad things that humans do, like produce food— not just meat, but even rice:
At least the climate doesn’t mind if we eat bugs.