Claude Monet’s Poppy Field is the latest to receive the inbred-looking cave dweller ‘climate action’ treatment

Image: Public domain.

By Olivia Murray

Why do all the thugs who deface precious works of Western art have the same inbred, low-brow, cave-dwelling look?

On Saturday, the Poppy Field painting by Claude Monet was the latest masterpiece to suffer from the typical vandalism stunt so often perpetrated by deranged and uninformed “non-coping” individuals attempting to draw attention to the “need” for “climate action” policies. See below:

Here’s more of the story, from CBS News:

The activist with the group Food Riposte targeted Claude Monet’s ‘Poppy Field’ painting, affixing a sticker that covered about half of the artwork with an apocalyptic, futuristic vision of the same scene, according to The Associated Press.

The group said it’s supposed to show what the field would look like in 2100, after it’s been ‘ravaged by flames and drought’ if more action isn’t taken against climate change.

I mean, did this little French creature walk straight out of the Cro-Magnon cavern and head to the Musée d’Orsay? I hate to insult the intelligence of the cave people of antiquity by comparing them to a modern leftist “green” zealot, but the analogy seems apropos.

Don’t you love how this person used petroleum-based adhesive to glue his/her hand to the wall? How predictable.

Is that a shirt with a screen-printed (petroleum-based) slogan, or some type of electrical tape with polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, which is known as a petrochemical product? Either way, it’s oil!

Did this little goblin eat recently? Obviously, and it’s not like she’s living off the land and harvesting her own food from the field to the table, which means she only ate because diesel farm equipment plowed a field and collected the grain, and diesel trucks drove it to a food plant and then to the supermarket—I can just see her now, sipping a coffee and eating a croissant in a capitalistic cafe with images of “revolutionaries” like Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Leon Trotsky plastered all over the place.

And is that sticker he/she slapped on the painting using petroleum-based dyes and plastics? Of course, because how could it not?

Why don’t they ever choose to deface modern “art”? Why do they always go for the beautiful pieces of priceless cultural value? Why can’t they go after the rotten banana fastened to the wall with duct tape, or something by Jean-Michel Basquiat, whose work resembles the screen-printed mass-produced discount-looking “art” that used to hang in the Stalinist versions of Taco Bell, once the fast food chain revamped its look post-1990s?

Because…it’s the culture they’re targeting, nothing else. They aren’t attacking ugliness, because they are ugliness. There’s nothing about soulless and nihilistic garbage that offends them…but work that represents objective beauty and traditional life? That’s an entirely different story, and a great offense to a person whose entire identity rests in destructive leftist ideologies.

Below is the very interesting point made by Craig Kelly, a former member of the Australian parliament, on the true irony of attacking the particular work of Monet: