Cardinal Gerhard Müller strongly criticized “negotiations” between the Vatican and German bishops about the heretical German Synodal Way and accused “German Synodalists” of effectively blaming Christ for sin by falsely claiming that His Commandments are responsible for the abuse crisis.
In an interview with Austrian news outlet kath.net, Cardinal Müller was asked about the recent meeting between German bishops and members of the Vatican Curia.
“The German Synodalists are completely wrong not only in terms of content but also in terms of method,” the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith declared.
“They are victims of their own propaganda tricks by attributing the personal fault of individuals (by priests, religious and lay people) in a socialist-collectivist interpretation as systemically conditioned to the Holy Orders instituted by Christ and the hierarchical-sacramental Church structure founded by Him, thus making Christ Himself the author of sin against God.”
“A Freiburg commission has accused child Confession of being an opportunity for sexual or authoritarian abuse of children on the part of the confessor, thereby declaring Jesus responsible, who said, ‘Let the children come to me,’” Cardinal Müller continued. “In their ideological blindness and pathological anti-clericalism, they do not realize their atheism.”
“At the same time, the atheist-communist government in Hong Kong has abolished the secrecy of Confession and imposed draconian penalties on those who adhere to it.”
“A disastrous parallel that has its roots in the denial of God and thus also of his grace, which is conveyed in the seven sacraments of the Holy Church!”
The main argument put forth to justify the proposed changes to perennial Church teaching on sexuality by the proponents of the Synodal Way is that priestly celibacy and “rigid” sexual morals were responsible for the abuse crisis in the Church. As Cardinal Müller explained, the heretical German bishops who support the Synodal Way are, therefore, indirectly accusing Christ of causing sexual abuse through the moral law He established.
The notion that a more “progressive” church would prevent sexual abuse was recently shattered by a large abuse study showing that Protestants in Germany, despite not having priestly celibacy and increasingly embracing the LGBT agenda, suffered from an equalling devastating sexual abuse crisis as the Catholic Church during the same time frame.
Cardinal Müller called the meeting between the German bishops and Vatican officials to “negotiate” on Church teaching absurd.
“The absurdity of German bishops, as successors of the apostles, coming to Rome to the successor of St. Peter to negotiate faith and morals as if the Church’s teachings were an offer to be sold to the highest bidder in the supermarket of ideologies is unfathomable,” he said.
“Instead of this disgraceful showdown at the negotiating table between worldly potentates, those involved should remember that the Church is not their property, but the flock of God, in which they are appointed by Christ in the Holy Spirit as shepherds (Acts 20:28) and teachers of the Word of God and not of man-made doctrines of salvation,” the prelate concluded.
African bishops proved ‘fidelity to Christ’ by opposing homosexual ‘blessings’
In the interview, Cardinal Müller was also asked about the rejection of the heterodox Vatican declaration Fiducia Supplicans, which purports to allow for “blessings” of homosexual “couples” and others in sinful relationships.
“It was an open confrontation like Paul had once demonstrated to us in the Antioch incident, where he asserted the ‘truth of the gospel’ (Gal 2:24) to a confused Peter,” the German cardinal said. “Although not in doctrine, Peter had deviated from the straight path when it came to putting it into practice.”
“With their fidelity to Christ, the African bishops rendered outstanding services to the apostolic deposit of faith (divinum fidei depositum).”
“Not only in Africa but also in many parts of the Catholic world and (arguably) all Orthodox churches, this hybrid of an ostensibly ‘pastoral’ blessing of sinful behavior has been rejected.”
“In fact, pastoral care for all people, including those in disordered circumstances, i.e., contrary to God’s will, aims to help them repent of their sins, obtain God’s forgiveness, and live a life of following Christ,” Cardinal Müller stated.
In a recent exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, the cardinal denounced Fiducia Supplicans as “a propaganda trick” to win support from the LGBT movement and said that the document “was a heavy strike against matrimony.”