Carbon offsets have always been just another global warming scam

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

By Jack Hellner

It has been obvious from the day carbon credits started that they are worthless pieces of paper that allow rich people and companies to pretend that they are reducing their carbon footprint.

Anyone with a brain could recognize that buying a carbon offset credit from Tesla or some other green company did not reduce the amount of carbon that a jet, house, yacht, mansion, or factory emitted.

This scam has been going on for almost three decades. It has made the offset producers very rich.

In 1997, the original international compliance carbon markets emerged from the Kyoto Protocol, which established three mechanisms that enable countries or operators in developed countries to acquire offset credits.

But now, one of the biggest green pushers of all, the Washington Post, has done an investigation and determined that carbon offsets are a scam. So, it took these Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists almost 30 years to determine something that has been obvious from the start.

Getting to Net Zero is also a scam.

The next big climate target: Ending carbon offset scams

A Post investigation exposed many carbon offsets as illegitimate, but companies still buy into them.

Carbon offsets or credits are investments in sustainability projects around the globe that, in theory, conserve enough emissions to counteract those produced by carbon-intensive activities such as manufacturing or jet travel. The projects represent a variety of efforts, including renewable energy development and reforestation schemes. Another popular offset class is forest conservation, touted as protecting trees that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. And it’s not just travelers who can purchase a stake in such projects; corporations and governments have made carbon offsets a multibillion-dollar market by purchasing enough credits to earn their “carbon-neutral” labels.

It would be nice if the WaPo and any of the other green pushers that the whole green agenda that says humans and our use of oil, natural gas, and coal controls temperatures, sea levels and storm activity is also a big scam created for the purpose of having the powerful government control our lives.

The green pushers have never shown a link between our consumption of oil and temperatures and yet the WaPo and others just repeat the talking points (lies) that the science is settled.

When will the green pushers admit that electric vehicles will not reduce temperatures and have no effect on sea levels and storm activity.

Maybe someday they will do an investigation that shows the harm that lithium powered vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels cause to the environment. That is obviously a dream because the green pushers have never really cared about anything but power and enriching themselves.

The reason Detroit is hitting pause is that they are losing their shorts on producing expensive, impractical vehicles that Democrats are forcing them to make but that few people want. The Washington Post ran one on this with this headline:

Why Detroit is hitting ‘pause’ on electric vehicles

The truth is that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally. We have had many heating and cooling periods and humans, and natural resources have had nothing to do with it.

But if any politician says that the WaPo and other Democrat campaign workers will call them climate change deniers and seek to destroy them.

It is all a scam!

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