By Olivia Murray
In the most predictable turn of events, the government and the criminals (forgive the probably false premise that these are two distinct groups) are collectively working to rob honest and hardworking people of their money and property.
It’s abundantly obvious that leftist governments in the West have proven to be so bad at “governing” that they’ve forfeited all their support—their only option now for victory at the ballot box is to resort to vote-buying schemes, either overtly (student loan “forgiveness”) or through the welfare state by providing additional “benefits.”
Either way, these politicians consistently go about it through the government system, using taxpayer dollars and debt to subvert; but now, they’ve got a new strategy, and they’re appealing directly to the taxpayer to surrender his wealth and possessions to marauding thieves, thereby removing themselves from the rob-from-the-earner-to-give-to-the-non-earner equation.
(Maybe, just maybe, is this another vote-buying scheme? If it were discovered that these car thieves also vote, who/what might they be supporting? Tough-on-crime policies of conservatives? Or, the politicians scratching their backs and directing law-abiders to accept the lawlessness of the left?)
In Justin Trudeau’s Canada, ever-innovative and blazing a new trail in Orwellian governance, state officials are now actually suggesting that homeowners have a responsibility to ensure victim and perp have the most polite and civil interaction possible; given the “spike in car thefts” around the country, it’ll be better for everyone involved if the owner of the car just makes sure he leaves his keys by the door so when an armed robber breaks into his home, the latter can grab the keys, make a quick getaway (since he doesn’t “want anything else”), and (in theory!) leave everyone inside uninjured. Here’s the story, from Fox News:
As car thefts have spiked in Toronto, Canada, local police are prescribing new safety measures so that locals can avoid violent encounters with thieves.
One of the recent bits of advice included Toronto Police telling residents of the town of Etobicoke to leave their car key fobs near the door to avoid being attacked in their homes by potential burglars.
According to police, the number of car thefts in the city has more than doubled in recent years. In 2023, more than 12,000 vehicles were reported stolen. In 2019, just over 5,000 were reported stolen.
He [Toronto Police Constable Marco Ricciardi] said at the Feb. 27 meeting, ‘To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your FOBs at your front door. Because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car. They don’t want anything else.’
‘A lot of them that they’re arresting have guns on them. And they’re not toy guns, they’re real guns. They’re loaded,’ he added.
(Weird, because Canada has some of the most restrictive gun control laws on the books in the world… How in the world did these thieves come into possession of firearms??)
Better yet, why not just leave the car running? And, make sure to put your wallet in the center console, maybe a list of your passcodes with the bank information too? Also, hitch up any boats or campers you might have, just in case.
In other news, from someone in the comments at Moonbattery:
To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your WIFE AND CHILDREN at your front door because they’re breaking into your home to RAPE OR KIDNAP THEM. They don’t want anything else.
Just kidding, that’s satire… for now.
This is all for Canadians’ safety, of course!