On this episode of Faith and Reason, John Henry-Westen, Father Charles Murr, and Frank Wright discuss Boris Johnson admitting the truth about the war in Ukraine, the U.S. backing “rebels” who butcher Christians in Syria, Pope Francis telling a distressed grandmother not to “insist” on her grandchildren’s baptism, a “transgender” Eucharistic minister saying a Connecticut archbishop agreed to make the archdiocese’s school policy more inclusive, and more.
The panel began the episode by looking at a clip of an interview with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in which he finally admitted that the Russia-Ukraine war is a “proxy war” between the West and Russia.
“Let’s face it, we’re waging a proxy war. We’re waging a proxy war. But we’re not giving our proxies the ability to do the job. And we’re in for years and years now, we’ve been allowing them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs. And it has been cruel; it has been cruel. And we need now to give them what they need,” Johnson said in the interview.
Wright emphasized that Johnson’s admission is fitting because he played a major role in NATO’s efforts to destabilize Russia and absorb it into the West.
“Despite the fact that the Rand Corporation published the strategy in 2019, which was to overextend and destabilize Russia by bleeding it on the battlefield and, therefore, plunder Russia afterwards, absorbing it into the [Western] sphere. The idea that it was a proxy war was dismissed as a conspiracy theory and the idea that Boris Johnson might have had a hand in starting that proxy war was also a conspiracy theory – which, of course, he did many weeks after the war actually began, when he went to Kiev in a surprise visit to sabotage the peace deal,” Wright said.
“This is Boris Johnson’s war from start to finish, and it’s fitting that it should be he who comes on to the mainstream media and finally names it appropriately,” he added.
A bit later in the episode, the panel turned to news from the Vatican, where Pope Francis recently wrote to an Italian grandmother who was distressed about her children’s lack of affection for raising her grandchildren in the faith. The Pontiff told her to “accompany” them but notably not to “insist” on her grandchildren’s baptism.
Fr. Murr underscored that grandparents can play a pivotal role in the catechesis of their grandchildren and have every right to insist on their grandchildren being baptized.
“If the Holy Father would have said, ‘Don’t nag, don’t nag your sons or daughters to death,’ I understand that. But to push and to insist, and to show how important it is to me as your grandfather, your grandmother, they have every right to do that, every right to do that,” Murr said.
“And they should continue; they should also [do] as much as they can – it’s hard today because the distractions are incredible to young people – but as much as they can to catechize those grandchildren when they have them there. Just take one question from the Catechism and sit down and explain it for five minutes, and then [have] 10 minutes of chocolate or something. The grandparents certainly have a role. We’re not disconnecting family. And I think His Holiness is off base again,” the priest added.
For more discussion on Boris Johnson’s admission that the war in Ukraine is a proxy war, the Pope’s stunning response to a distressed grandmother, and much more, tune in to this week’s episode of Faith and Reason.
Boris Johnson admits the West is waging a ‘proxy war’ against Russia – LifeSite