They called themselves Xixi, Emi, Jimmy and Bella. Now three of them are dead. Their bodies were allegedly mutilated in the small massage parlour “Studio 126a” in the Brigittenau district of Vienna. A suspect has been arrested – it is said to be an Afghan.
The man, who was arrested in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene with a knife in his hand, is said to be an Afghan asylum seeker. He himself was taken to hospital with minor injuries. The suspect’s motive can only be speculated at present. According to “Kurier”, the Afghan could have entered the erotic studio as the last guest of the day, but was turned away there and wounded in his honour. The suspect is presumed innocent.
In any case, the scenes that took place in the red light parlour in the 20th district must have been horrific. A neighbour discovered traces of blood and called the police. Shortly afterwards, the officers found themselves in a nightmare. As Philipp Haßlinger, spokesman for the regional police directorate, reported, the bodies showed massive stab wounds and cuts. The victims were mutilated. The suspect, who was caught a short time later in a park, had to be arrested by the police with the use of a taser.
Blutbad in Wiener Sex-Studio: Verdächtiger ist Asylwerber aus Afghanistan | Exxpress
sharia nakbar allows for ordered punishments of anyone which under the US Constitution is called, “Bills of Attained” and are unconstitutional.
“fatwhas” are religious orders to punish or kill someone and as such, are unconstitutional and so all of islam is not allowed by the Constitution.
To be a good Muslim, you have to kill Cristians and Jews. It is time for a Mass Deportation and stop letting in more people that want to Kill US.
Biden and Trudeau; keep letting the inverted scumbags in so violence can increase.
(sarcasm of course)