These days education is costly. In the developed world, many middle-class parents set aside a huge chunk of their earnings to afford college for their kids. Even with scholarships and loans, it can add up to a lot. But we Hindus, pagans and kuffars according to some practitioners of competitive faiths, are the most fortunate. The entire world rushes to educate us, free of cost!
Just a couple of days back, Starbucks, which sells “overpriced and tasteless coffee” (not my words, that of eminent anti-Modi intellectual Sadanand Dhume) wants to educate us on LGBT rights. Their ad featured a boy that turns into a girl. I am not saying nonbinary must be discriminated against and of course, that is wrong just as any other discrimination is. But will Starbucks dare to run this ad in any other country they operate in, in Asia? Singapore? Malaysia? Why only us? Go back to what I said, we Hindus are lucky!
I can guess why – some marketing executive in Starbucks is trying to build a career. An ad like this may not bring a single customer through the door or even drive out many, but if that genius applies for transfer to the US, no one dare reject it for being accused of anti-LGBTQ+ hate (that acronym keeps growing, last I checked it had a few more characters, too lazy to type)
Of course, that is just one more in a series of incidents and happenings.
Our blessed luck in receiving gyan is so bizarre, no, powerful that Qatar, a state accused of supporting ISIS and where being gay or giving up on your faith is a capital offence, is employing Indian media coolies to lecture us on “tolerance”.
Why, even the US embassy, as if all other consular and other functions are completed successfully and with lots of time on hand, tries to educate us on “disinformation”! They even flew in an “expert” (a leftist faithful no doubt) to educate us on that. Thanks very much, massa, we pagans of colour can read English though we speak with an accent and know all about Nordstrom, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Twitter files, House Oversight committee findings on the Biden family, COVID origin, testing done on vaccines etc., which were covered in such splendid fashion by your “independent” NYT, WaPo, CNN etc. We know exactly what disinformation is. If we are in doubt we have enough Stalinist Maoist leftist rags, online and offline here to tell us. You even sent one of your own to run one of them, thanks very much!
If the Viceroys’ office oops sorry, Embassy here wants to educate us on information, their compatriots back in the States want to solve our caste problems and educate us on modern living. Guess who pilots the California caste bill? One Ms. Wahab. Guess she is done reforming her own community and solving the problems of Afghan women. There’s a lot of spare time to tackle ours. American liberals have considerable experience fixing issues such as enthroning female Pope of colour, FGM, black equality and solving the complex Middle East issues. They are the best to educate us.
Indian businesses too try to educate us on a variety of things – getting rid of our bindis during Diwali, how harmful Holi is to the environment, not throwing eggs at others, not harassing women and so on.
Of course, our Bollywood and its largely atheist or Islamist celebrities are second to none in educating us Hindus. We must be grateful to them for their largesse. Because the task of educating our poor dara hua minorities is left undone. Wonder why? Maybe there is no money in it? Soros doesn’t want to fund it? Or perhaps they think all that is to be learnt was done and finished in the 7th century?
Even in matters like running our temples, there is stuff we need to learn. That’s why when someone not from our faith is appointed to run them, it’s fascist to protest. Education is one way. There’s nothing for others to learn from us so don’t ask why not reverse?
Left “intellectual” counterparts of Bollywood want us to light diyas and stop bursting crackers. I am not sure if any Bollywood movie called diyas a waste of money or oil but I won’t be surprised if they did. But then they want us not to visit temples and do abhishek with milk but instead give it to the poor – of course, a movie ticket costs a lot more than a few spoons of milk that each devotee contributes, but they don’t want us to cut the movie theatre or IPL ticket bill.
If you listen to them and give it to the poor there is yet another bunch of Stalinists that will call that “RSS propaganda” and attempts to enforce the “monoculture of Hindutva”. The only way you can escape their attacks is to die. Not that it will stop their abuse. Just that it won’t matter anymore.
Talking of dying, even there we need to be careful. If it happens to be due to, ahem, unnatural causes, just don’t complain about it or make any movies about it. Your complaining friends too will be attacked. In fact, one liberal even wanted to hang them publicly. Movies are only to celebrate the glorious Babur era.
All these pro-bono educators are ostensibly out to give us a scientific temper and bring us to the modern era. How nice it is to learn science and scientific temper from those that worship mass rapist butchers like Stalin proudly when that despot butchered thousands of scientists among others.
I wish all these educators come here, and spend time teaching us real stuff like physics, chemistry, engineering or mathematics. But then they seem to all come from the world of pseudo sciences, such as social “science”, political “science” & of course, the biggest cesspool of charlatans and frauds of all -economics. Because had they done that we will have a really scientifically tempered society something these evolution deniers and anti-intellectual butchers pretend to support.