Berlin: Muslims beat up German man because he drank beer and this is not allowed in Islam

A 20-year-old man was robbed and injured by three people in the Berlin Mitte district last night.
At around 2.15am, the perpetrators reprimanded the young man for religious reasons because of his beer consumption. They then took him to the ground and robbed him of his mobile phone and a bag containing documents. The 20-year-old suffered a cut on his forearm.
Two of the suspects fled on foot in the direction of Museum Island. The third suspect, a 14-year-old, was held by the victim until the police arrived. The alerted officers recorded the personal data of the suspected perpetrator at a police station and handed him over to a guardian.
Rescue workers treated the injured 20-year-old on site. The investigation is being conducted by a specialised police department of Police Directorate 5 (City).

Berlin: Trio beraubt Mann in Rathausstraße | Regional |

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