Two city employees and a volunteer from the LGBTQIA+ organisation OGWA (Ook Genks Wel Anders) were attacked by students from Atlas College Techniek & Innovatie in Genk on Thursday. They were present as part of an action on diversity in society, marking the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT). The city of Genk and the school disapprove of this behaviour and are taking appropriate action.
Every year on May 17, IDAHOT takes place. On this day, the homosexual community celebrates the fact that the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1990. In our country, too, numerous actions take place in the run-up to IDAHOT and the rainbow flag is hoisted in the cities. On Wednesday, such an action was planned at Atlas College.
“We then sit down in the schoolyard during the break and hand out leaflets and rainbow hearts,” explained one of those attacked. “Not everyone always agrees with us, but yesterday the atmosphere was very oppressive. A group of young people gathered around our table and started booing us.”
Soon more and more students gathered around the table and according to the person being bullied, at one point there were over 100 as the situation escalated. “They didn’t stop shouting, throwing bottles and spitting on the rainbow hearts. We got help from the teachers who were present in the school yard and supported us until the school bell rang. At that moment, most of the young people returned to their classrooms and a calm was restored”.
The city administration strongly condemns the reaction of the fellow students. “I am deeply affected by this behaviour, I am stunned,” reacted Anniek Nagels (CD&V), the councillor for coexistence. “Genk stands for a respectful society where everyone is allowed to be who they are”. Mayor Wim Dries (CD&V) announced that the city would lodge a complaint and consult the Atlas College.
The school also strongly disapproves of this behaviour. “We are shocked by what happened yesterday, it is totally unacceptable,” said General Director Christel Schepers, “it does not fit with the cordiality that the school represents. For this reason, we are taking action. We will start a dialogue with the students in the coming weeks and address the issue together with the city.
Nieuwsblad / VRT / https://www.fdesouche.com/2023/05/13/genk-belgique-un-stand-lgbtqia-abandonne-car-une-grosse-centaine-de-lyceens-musulmans-reprenait-en-coeur-allahu-akbar-en-jetant-des-bouteilles-et-en-crachant-dessus/