Belgium: ‘ A plan known as “Pati 2”, in which two young people from Verviers wanted to slit the throat of a teacher because, in their opinion, she “spoke badly about the Koran”; a machete was bought for the purpose

Mathis, 20, and Ibrahim, 18, two citizens of Verviers, are facing four and two years’ detention on probation respectively at the criminal court in Liège for allegedly participating in the activities of a terrorist organisation. Mathis was already known to the police when he was still a minor. He had already completed a programme of de-radicalisation, which the federal prosecutor’s office admitted had absolutely no effect. ‘In his case, public money is being wasted,’ the federal magistrate said.

The links between the two youths were quickly uncovered. When the police arrived, they smashed their mobile phones. However, the investigation revealed that they had decided to carry out a ‘Pati 2’ project, named after the French teacher who had his throat slit by an Islamist terrorist on the 16 October 2020. Mathis and Ibrahim had already bought a machete to carry out their plan. According to the investigation, they had also planned to fight among terrorist groups in the Sahel in order to die as martyrs there.

They watched videos of attacks and executions. They had a guide for training to become a martyr. One of them had written a letter of allegiance to the Islamic State and a will for his relatives. They vandalised the Notre Dame des pauvres chapel in Stavelot and trampled on a cross. ‘I am a Muslim,’ Ibrahim stated in a defiant tone. ‘I perform the seven prayers on time. I don’t know what the problem is. Putting me in prison won’t change my faith. I accept Allah as my only judge and completely renounce your laws,’ he finished his speech in front of the horrified audience. DH

« J’accepte Allah comme seul juge, je fais le désaveu de vos lois » : dans un projet nommé “Pati 2”, deux jeunes de Verviers (Belgique) voulaient égorger une prof parce qu’ils estimaient qu’elle « parlait mal du Coran » ; une machette achetée – Fdesouche