Because summers are allegedly getting hotter and drier, Lower Saxony’s Green Minister for the Environment Christian Meyer is planning an explosive ban. The cultivation of water-intensive fruit varieties such as strawberries and tomatoes is to be restricted and possibly banned.
Ban on field irrigation and water extraction
Already, in some regions of Germany, trees and fields may no longer be irrigated during the day when it is warmer than 24 degrees Celsius. But that is apparently not enough for the Greens. Meyer also wants to enforce a ban on field irrigation and water extraction if too little groundwater is formed. The consequence would be that the cultivation of strawberries and tomatoes in particular would be made virtually impossible for farmers.
Import from abroad
The president of the German rural people, Holger Hennies, sharply criticised the announcement and pointed out that this would increase the pressure to import fruit varieties from abroad more frequently, which would not be climate-friendly at all.