The War on Christmas rages on in moonbat-occupied Europe.
In Aisne, France, the display of advent calendars in classrooms has been banned:
A fortnight ago, the directors of public schools in a district in the south of the Aisne department received a letter signed by an inspector from the Académie. The letter contained a clear message: Advent calendars are no longer welcome in the department’s schools. Teachers who decorate their classrooms or rely on the calendar celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ will be called to order by their superiors. ‘I have been made aware of the possible presence of Advent calendars in the classrooms,’ reads the letter sent to Valeurs actuelles. ‘I would like to remind you that Advent is a religious custom: Within the framework of neutrality, which secularism prescribes as a fundamental value of the Republic, I call on you to remind school teachers that no pupil may be confronted with an Advent calendar in a school setting.’ After the controversy surrounding nativity scenes in public places, the inspector implies that the Advent calendar violates secularism and de facto puts pupils in trouble.
Speaking of being in trouble,
[T]he inspector even asks to be informed about any calendars that still exist ‘so that [he] can look after the teacher concerned’.
Meanwhile, in Germany:
In the deeply Catholic Upper Palatinate (Bavaria), of all places, a nativity scene is now causing hilarity on social media. The reason: the Holy Family has been replaced by Christmas trees, which have sometimes been ‘creatively’ decorated with flower pots and red Christmas tree baubles as noses.
Celebrating Christmas without smirking is more than an embrace of tradition and an act of worship; it is a gesture of defiance against moonbattery.