Police arrested a Hindu boy named Dayal Hari Das Joni over blasphemy charges. He allegedly posted a photoshopped image that hurt the sentiment of Muslims.
As per the received information, a resident of Ghargra village of Rangunia Upazila under the Chattragram district of Bangladesh, Dayal Hari Das posted a photoshopped image on his Facebook timeline on the 10th of June. In the image, he was standing upon Quran. Seeing the post, local Muslims got angry.
Local Muslims led a huge protest and demanded to hang the accused Hindu youth. Police immediately intervened and detained the Hindu youth. Later, a case has been started against the youth under Digital Security Act.
Later, Dayal Hari Das deleted the derogatory photo and posted an apology.
Investigating officer of Rangunia police station, Moin Uddin said, “A case has been filed against the accused as per Digital Security Act. The accused posted an apology after the deletion of the post. The investigation is on”.