What’s a litttle slave labor between friends?

by Giulio Meotti

The big German brands – banks, car manufacturers, chemical giants, electronics companies – made extensive use of forced laborers from occupied Eastern Europe and Jewish slaves from concentration camps in World War II. Siemens allegedly admitted to using at least 80,000 forced laborers who, it is said, “was seen as the only way to make up for the labor shortage” in the Hitler years.

Now Siemens CEO Roland Busch is lobbying against the European Union’s plans to impose an import ban on products made from Chinese forced labor, the Times said. This is despite his company’s mission today which says: “We have a zero tolerance approach to forced labor, slavery and human trafficking.”

Herbert Diess, the CEO of Volkswagen (another company that compromised itself with Nazism), also defended his company’s commitment to the Uyghur region of China, praising its “values ​​in Xinjiang, including employee representation, respect for minorities and social and labor standards “.

Sahra Wagenknecht, heterodox essayist and economist of Linke, the party of the German left, is right when in her book Die Selbstgerechten (the hypocrites) punish multinationals such as Unilever, committed to changing the name of “gypsy sauce”. Because they use “diversity” as a distraction weapon while doing business with the most ruthless regime on earth.

“After the war, and recently in the 1990s, when German companies feared the collective lawsuits of former slave laborers, the logic was: we had to do it, the Nazi state put pressure on us to contribute to the war effort and ‘they were scruples being pushed aside as a matter of national duty, ”comments The Times. “Now the Chinese slaves are needed to avert the prospect of catastrophic global warming that has the better of human rights. And it seems no less cynical ”.

The green is providing the Chinese with a very powerful moral cover for their state violence.

“Almost all solar panels sold in the European Union originate in the China-oppressed Xinjiang region,” writes a Politico survey. “Everyone knows what is happening in China and when the facilities are based there you have to accept that there is a high possibility of forced labor being used,” said Milan Nitzschke, president of EU ProSun, an alliance of solar companies. Most solar panels are based on a vital raw material: silicon. Johannes Bernreuter, a polysilicon market analyst, tells the Telegraph that 80 percent of the world’s polysilicon comes from China.

It is not just a German problem. Elon Musk’s Tesla has just opened branches and showrooms in Xinjiang, “because wealthy Chinese people who drive clean vehicles help save the planet, so that’s okay,” jokes – half seriosusly – the Times.

And basically it’s okay, pecunia non olet. Except that companies like Siemens and Wolkswagen in their sites say they are very committed to race and rainbow.

The late Chinese dissident Harry Wu spent 19 years in Chinese labor camps, where he was locked up in 1957 after Mao launched the “one hundred flowers” policy for intellectuals to criticize the party. A trap and Wu fell right into it, denouncing the Soviet suppression of the uprising in Hungary. The book by him Laogai. The Chinese horror was a veritable geography of pain, of institutionalized physical and moral violence.

Wu compared the Chinese camps to Nazi concentration camps. The term “laogai” is a Chinese acronym which means “re-education through work”. He remembers the “Arbeit macht frei” at the entrance to the Nazi camps.

It is much easier and cheaper for large Western companies to flaunt neutral pronouns or blame Trump as “a symbol of racism and exclusion” (as Siemens CEO said) than to face a regime that holds us in its grip, to say the least.


France: Islamist Tariq Ramadan, accused of 5 counts of rape, is allowed to give a lecture at a scientific event

An event will be held in Carros on January the 21st. A panel discussion will be organised in the presence of Tariq Ramadan and 96 participants will also attend, reports Nice-Matin. The exact location is still being kept secret, but the aim is to avoid a similar controversy as in 2016, the last time he came to the Côte-d’Azur. The municipal opposition in Carros had contested a conference with Tariq Ramadan planned in March 2016. The Front National (now Rassemblement National) had even applied for an injunction before the administrative court in Nice to have the event banned. Almost seven years later, Tariq Ramadan would still not be welcome for some critical voices.

As Nice-Matin reported on Friday January the 7th, controversy arose over the upcoming debate with the Swiss Islamic scholar, who is accused of rape by five women and is considered close to the Muslim Brotherhood. Marine Vengeon, co-founder of Uni.e.s Nice, told journalists it was “harmful and inadmissible to give the floor to a man accused of raping women”. According to the feminist, this deprives victims of the opportunity to express their opinions. “This is bashing. It’s just like appointing a minister accused of sexual violence as minister of the interior,” she said, referring to the rape allegations against Gérald Darmanin, whose investigation ended in September 2021.

On the occasion of this debate in Carros, Tariq Ramadan is to comment on the following two works: The Prophet by Khalil Gibran and The Prince by Machiavelli. “We invite the author and the intellectual. We will not talk about religion or his private affairs,” one of the organisers of the event defended to Nice-Matin. The journalist Feïza Ben Mohamed from Nice, who is also close to Tariq Ramadan, recalled that the writer “has not been tried” and therefore “the presumption of innocence applies”. She questioned in Nice-Matin: “How many prominent journalists and TV presenters have the right to go on air when they are accused of similar incidents?” She called, moreover, for “questioning the treatment of Tariq Ramadan in the media”. Despite everything, his visit remains “very disturbing” for Marine Vengeon, who doubts the legitimacy of the Islamic scholar to debate literary works. “When it comes to commenting on Machiavelli’s The Prince, I know dozens of people who would do it brilliantly”.


Austria demotes some 3,8 million double-jabbed to ‘unvaccinated’

The Austrian government announced today that the validity of the “Green Passport” has been reduced to six months. This also means that all people who have had their “full vaccination” for the last six months will be relegated to an inferior civil status and become “unvaccinated”.

Even the obedient have become second class people, excluded from social life thanks to the country’s “lockdown for the unvaccinated”. Austrians living in this fact-free dystopian nightmare, are currently faced with two options: Force the government out or take the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and perhaps eternal shot.

Six months ago around 3,8 million Austrians were considered “fully vaccinated”. They trusted the former Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the Greens who had promised that the double injection would “set them free”. Their “civic duty” and “solidarity” would conquer the disease they were told repeatedly and soon everything would return to normal. Or not? Chancellor Nehammer is bringing down the hammer, even on his followers.

Anyone who does not accept the booster shot with the same agent, which has been proven to have no effect against “variants”, is now excluded from social life and is considered a pariah because the unvaccinated are bad, stupid people according to official narrative, who endanger others, are probably even “right-wing extremists” or worse… “terrorists”. Being downgraded to an asocial, stupid, right-wing radical by decree, will be a hard pill to swallow for many.

It is not clear how many people will actually lose their “green” status because a few of those who had been double-jabbed by July 2021, have already had the booster. It could be that around 1,9 million Austrians – in addition to the already unvaccinated – refuse to obey.

Vaccines are an abject failure

A Canadian study has shown that two doses of the jab had no measurable effect on an Omicron infection. The data it contains is explosive. The authors, 13 international scientists, funded by the Canadian Ministry of Health, among others, explicitly state that “two doses of Covid-19 vaccines are unlikely to protect against infection by Omicron. A third dose provides some protection in the immediate term, but substantially less than against Delta. Our results may be confounded by behaviours that we were unable to account for in our analyses. Further research is needed to examine protection against severe outcomes”.

In short: two administered doses of the Covid-19 vaccine do not work against Omicron. To arrive at this conclusion, 3 442 Omicron cases and 9 201 Delta cases were examined.

Of course, this is not the only paper that indicates that these hyped products have zero use, but data now clearly show that in Germany and Denmark over 90 percent of those infected with Omicron were vaccinated. This is also proven by the current hospitalization figures in Austria.

Facts do not impress Nehammer

Completely unaffected by all the hard data obliterating the current health policy, the Austrian Federal Government continues to cite unspecified “experts” while besieging the population to submit to their evidence-free fanatical dictates. Science has probably never played any role in their decisions and certainly not public health.

“The less effective this Corona vaccine is, the more stubborn the government becomes. Forcing vaccination is neither legally or medically sustainable. Chancellor Nehammer and company prove with their stance that they are not about the welfare of the people,” said Herbert Kickl, leader of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ).

Rumours on social media will not die down that the Federal Government’s task force has been fully aware that the vaccinations are failing. It is even feared that numerous people could die because their immune systems have been severely weakened as a result of the triple jab. If this information is true, the government’s insistence on mandatory vaccination becomes more and more incomprehensible. A psychologist told the Kronen Zeitung that in such a case “unrest” would explode.

But countless demonstrations with hundreds of thousands of participants have shown that the overwhelming majority of Austrians are not interested in unrest. They demand a return to the rule of law, the granting of basic rights and an end to lockdowns.


Pro-Palestine, Pro-Trans: The celebrities condemning Harry Potter and his mother

by Prof. Phyllis Chesler 

The Harry Potter series has seized the imagination of the entire world. But its characters and author are now being subjected to the Thought Crime police. The actors who owe Rowling their careers, livelihood, and celebrity have also turned on her.

Poor J.K. Rowling! Not only is she under attack for her views on the transgender issue—she is now being accused of alleged Jew hatred based on some of the characters in Harry Potter.

Comedian Jon Stewart, formerly of The Daily Show, has just accused J.K. Rowling of anti-Semitism. And why? Because her depiction of the “goblins” who run Gringotts, the underground bank where everyone’s gold is stored is, in his opinion, an anti-Jewish stereotype. He wonders why the “goblins” are the underground bankers… Get it?

Apparently, fiction, even fantasy, must conform to rigid speech code rules. But unlike Wagner’s Nibelungen, Albrecht, (a “dwarf” or a descendent of a “race of dwarfs’) who stole and who hoards the gold which can control the world in Wagner’s four part opera The Ring Cycle—Rowling’s “goblins” merely guard it and release it to its rightful owner—just like the Swiss do.

Call me crazy but once I read the comedian Jon Stewart’s allegation, I immediately thought that Stewart, born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, (changed his name, wonder why—nah, I know why) must also favor Palestine i.e. his anti-Semitism is anti-Zionism. Bingo! Even Al-Jazeera mourned his departure and bid him a “fond farewell” as one of the only Americans who told the truth about Israel and “Palestine”.

Stewart, a genuinely funny guy, is one of those “As a Jew” people who stand tall upon their own ethnicity in order to critique Israel. Well, he’s one of those dangerously crazy-funny guys.

Then there’s the actress Emma Watson whose also known and beloved as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. Oh, Hermione! How can you use your celebrity in such a cheap way? I may never again be able to enjoy Hermione’s officiousness, brilliance, and tenacity. My Hermione/Watson is both pro-trans and pro-Palestine.

Here’s what may be going on. Those who are pro-trans, who believe that identity trumps sex; that a man can be a woman if he says so, and that a woman can be a man—if she says so; who favor the descriptor “queer” over lesbian or homosexual; who are earnestly trying to expand what they see as the limitations of both sex and gender—these are also the kind of people who believe that a country that has never existed—that would be Palestine—is nevertheless the most important, the most persecuted, and the most heroic country in the whole world.

In a sense, the pro-trans actors are supreme fantasists and Rowling is their creator and their competition.
