Author: fredalanmedforth
Why are Caucasians Vanisihing in TV Commercials?
By Jacob Fraden
Commercials take up 27% of commercial television screen time and are the main source of income for TV and radio stations. In most cases, advertisements on all channels appear simultaneously, so don’t try to change the channel, there will be commercials elsewhere, too. Nowadays they have also taken over the Internet. For a financial support, websites have to run ads on their pages, the largest share supplied and controlled by Google. Ads pry into your eyes, unceremoniously interfere with text, and on YouTube, in the most inappropriate places they cut into the action of films, lectures and concerts, tearing apart musical performances. There’s no escaping commercials, we’ve grown accustomed to them, and they become almost as much a part of our lives as food, toilets, and sleep.
In the United States today, the White population (not including Hispanics) is 57.8%. In real life Caucasians are still in the majority, but now on TV and the Internet they are swept under the rug like trash. Blacks compose 14% of the U.S. population but appear in 50% of commercials. White actors now appear for promotion of health insurance, gold, loans and some medicines. Moreover, if a White person appears in a commercial, he/she is usually old, sick, a freak, or at the very least, an appendage to a Black partner. If there’s a doctor on the screen, he’s usually Black, while the patient is usually White. Caucasian young men appear in only 4% of the commercials! If some aliens began to study the population of Planet Earth through our TV commercials they would have a somewhat distorted picture of Americans, to put it mildly.
So why do advertisers ignore the long-standing rules of marketing, and to the detriment of their own financial interests, fill the media space with content that displaces and degrades its biggest market segment? The answer is simple. At the heart of this nonsense is political correctness in a form even an Orwell could not have foreseen. Business executives go out of their way to publicly show their conformity with the universal “diversity” and “critical racial theory” (CRT), demanding that the White man be blamed for all the sins one can imagine. Replacing ancient, long-vanished oppression of Blacks with real oppression of Whites, overcompensating and planting racism-in-reverse.
Why does the White population, which is still in the majority in the U.S., accept the banishing and belittling obediently and silently? Why is there no public criticism, much less resistance to the idiocy? Why don’t people don’t tell political correctness to go to hell? After all, the U.S. is not Stalin’s USSR, and anyone who disagrees with the party is not yet sent to a camp or shot. Why is there such stifling conformity among the American people, formerly known for their independence and freedom of speech? The answer is simple and sad: the reason is fear, albeit on a more vegetarian level than it was under the Soviet rule.
Ordinary people keep their mouths shut for fear of losing their jobs, not getting a holiday bonus, not getting promoted, or being socially ostracized This is understandable, and I wouldn’t blame them, although I wouldn’t respect them either. But what are people of higher position afraid of — the heads and owners of businesses? What is threatening them? Indeed, nobody is going to drive them out of their positions or take their business, though fear of boycotts can be realistic. They are afraid of various inconveniences: negative articles in the leftist press, social shunning, frivolous lawsuits, loss of state and federal licenses, government contracts, unexpected audits by the IRS, fines for alleged violations of minorities’ rights, and the like small and large troubles.
People think that if they keep quiet, then the pendulum will swing back and everything will sort itself out. But comfort kills the will to resist and produces conformism, that inevitably leads to stagnation, degradation of society, reduction of living standards and, finally, to loss of that very comfort.
So what we to do? I am not calling anyone to the barricades, but only ask: Don’t live by lies. The least any of us can do today is not participate in lies of the CRT and other political correctness: not watch their movies, not read their newspapers, not vote for the conformist candidates, not support them financially, and certainly never buy anything that in a politically correct manner is singing and dancing on a TV or computer screen.
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Human traffickers confirm NGO contacts with criminal organisations
The Italian public prosecutor’s office is investigating NGOs who illegally bring people from Africa to Europe by ship. Statements from these smugglers now underpin the Italian investigations that some NGO ships are also in close contact with human traffickers from North Africa.
The Swiss newspaper SonntagsZeitung spoke to three Libyan smugglers who confirmed to the journalists that there were contacts between human traffickers and NGO ships.
The smugglers’ statements also supported the investigations of the public prosecutor’s office in Trapani in Sicily, which collected 650 pages of evidence to prove a cooperation between the NGOs and the human traffickers – including images, internal e-mails and WhatsApp communication, tapped phone calls and conversations from the navigation bridges of NGO ships.
As the Swiss daily Blick reported, however, large NGOs such as Médecins sans Frontières or Save the Children have been denying such cooperation. However, the SonntagsZeitung reported on at least a dozen cases of direct deliveries from migrants by the tugs to these NGO ships. The empty tug boats then returned to Libya.
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Germany: Jewish organisation accuses the Hamburg Senate of naivety towards Islamists
The director of the Jewish NGO American Jewish Committee Berlin (AJC), Remko Leemhuis, has called for more determined action against Islamic anti-Semitism in Germany. The government in Hamburg is “fundamentally naive” in dealing with the issue, he criticised in an interview with the newspaper Die Welt on Friday.
For example, the Hanseatic city cooperates with the Islamic Centre Hamburg (IZH), which is classified as extremist. Certain factions of Islamism, which try to influence politics and society in a non-violent way, appear moderate on the outside, but pursue an “anti-Semitic and anti-democratic doctrine”. In the case of the IZH, this is dictated from Tehran, as the organisation functions as an outpost of the Iranian government bound by instructions.
The state does not have to negotiate with everyone. Working with organisations like the IZH underestimates its own agenda and fails to recognise the political mandate of the Federal Republic. The AJC does not demand the abolition of the state treaty with the Islamic associations, but appeals to the Hamburg government to exclude the IZH from it.
He also expects “all democratic parties” to denounce Islamic anti-Semitism. In this way, one would ” no longer have an open flank to offer to the AfD”. The opposition party had criticised the cooperation of the Red-Green Senate with the IZH in the past.
France: 17 Syrian refugees blocked a train for more than an hour after trying to board without paying. A ticket inspector was assaulted, the railway company finally offered the refugees packed lunches…
The Bordeaux-Marseille intercity train was blocked at Matabiau station for over an hour on Tuesday evening – the train arrived at 7.49pm. A group of 17 Syrian refugees wanted to board a carriage without paying for their ticket. A female inspector from the French National Railways (SNCF) intervened, but was rudely pushed away.
Members of the SNCF’s general security service intervened but were unable to persuade the travelers without tickets to leave the train. Eventually, the SNCF chartered three buses so that the 100 or so passengers could continue their journey to Marseille.
As for the refugees, they were accommodated in a carriage for the night. The SNCF even offered them meals. La Dépêche
France: A Moroccan man known to the police tries to burn his wife to death
29-year-old Ahmed K., who is suspected of having poured petrol on his wife and tried to set her on fire, was arrested in Lille on January the 5th and taken into police custody. The person is known to the police, it is said. […]
The incident started shortly before 1pm on Wednesday January the 5th: a woman living in Montpellier reports to the police that her 20-year-old niece, who lives in Lille, is being raped by her partner and is in grave danger. The woman explains that the niece in question is a Moroccan citizen and “does not speak French well”.
The police officers from Lille then go to the flat of the young woman, who is staying there alone. She explains that she had an argument with her partner in the morning and that he had poured petrol on her and then tried to set her on fire with a lighter. He had given up at the last moment because he was stopped by the cries of her seven-month-old baby, which the victim had been holding in her arms.