Taharrush on New Year’s Eve: Four Mediterranean men abuse a German schoolgirl in the street

On New Year’s Eve from 2021 to 2022, a 17-year-old woman was sexually harassed by four as yet unknown men in the street Grünhütlstraße in Dießen.

According to the young woman, she was walking south on the pavement at around 11.30 pm when a light-coloured car with Bad Tölz licence plates stopped next to her. Without comment, four men with a Mediterranean appearance aged 25 and 30 got out of the car and sexually harassed the schoolgirl from the district. They groped under the young woman’s clothes and touched her private parts. Only when another car passed the street did the men let go of their victim and left.

The Fürstenfeldbruck Criminal Investigation Department has taken over the investigation and asks for any relevant information in connection with the above-mentioned incident to be reported by calling 08141-612-0.


Reiner Füllmich and 50 lawyers: ‘The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet’

Swedish journalist Jesper Johansson from Perspektiv speaks to Dr Reiner Füllmich on the coming court case against the architects of the plandemic.

After hearing the witness statements to the German Corona Investigative Committee by former vice president of Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon who has been a scientist for 36 years, lawyers with Reiner Füllmich draw the same conclusion: The injections normally called Corona vaccines are designed to experiment on the human race and to find out what dosage of a yet unknown toxin is needed in order to kill people.

The mortality rate linked to the vaccines, according to Yeadon, is traceable in terms of lot numbers of the different batches, as some batches appear to be more lethal than others. When taking a look at the evidence available, the main goal with the injections all over the world is global depopulation, according to the lawyers involved.

Dr Füllmich told Perspektiv that the lawyers preparing an international law suit were no longer in doubt: Poisoning and mass murder through so called Corona vaccines is intentionally being perpetrated against the peoples of the world.

Citizen Journalist Ulf Bittner from EU/EES Healthcare blog and Sverige Granskas stated in the interview that the situation with traceable lot numbers and injuries and death related to lot numbers is similar in the different health care regions of Sweden. Bittner is in contact with a vaccine coordinator who has provided documents to keep track of how many people have been injured and lost their lives related to the different batches of the so-called vaccines.

01:00 Different numbers on the barcodes on the bottom of the vaccine doses are placebo which has been given to politicians according to a Slovenian chief nurse. Is it the same in other countries?

1:54 Mike Yeadon and the LOT numbers of some shots of the brands Moderna, Johnson&Johnson and Pfizer/Biontech are related to much higher mortality than for the other manufacturers.

3:52 The producers of the so-called vaccines are experimenting with the correct dosages to kill people according to Dr Füllmich. This according to the Corona Investigative Committee, constitute compelling evidence for punitive damages and attempted mass murder. They are intentionally killing people.

08:30 Lawyers from India have filed complaints for premeditative murder.

09:55 Mike Yeadon as a witness for the coming legal action against the perpetrators.

10:44 Everyone who criticises the wrongdoings of the governments of the world is being called a ‘right wing extremist’. This has also happened to the internationally renowned scientist Mike Yeadon.

13:05 CDC withdrew the recommendation for the PCR-tests diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 from 31/12-2021. PCR- tests are the foundation of the pandemic. Why is Anthony Fauci now doing a 180-degree turn?

17:25 At least a million dollars per person will be claimed in punitive damages if the lawsuit is successful.

18:33 Previously only ten percent of all adverse effects were reported. In the situation the world is right now, the team estimated that in fact only one percent of all adverse effects were being reported.

19:25 CEO of Life insurance company from Indiana USA with 100 billions of dollars in assets said: ”Over the span of this past year there has been an excess mortality of 40 percent”. This is believed to be due to the injections.

21:05 What substance in the vials makes them so lethal? Is it Graphene Oxide/graphene hydroxide?

22:37 Any vaccine is a poison, it is the dosage which makes the difference. This is not a vaccine, as a vaccine provides immunity, while these products demand incessant injections. Either a vaccine works or it does not.

24:40 This is not gene therapy either, since a gene therapy means exchanging a broken gene with a fixed one. This is more like experimenting on people, and trying to kill us.

25.15 The doses are not tested by governments, while governments will be keeping the contracts hidden from the public for at least 55 years. How is this affecting the possibility of getting people punished? Dr Füllmich goes through all the lies paving the way for the tyrannical situation the world is now in.

28:25 The vaccines are neither safe nor effective. The producers are experimenting on lethal doses of poison. Everyone now taking part in intentional malicious infliction of harm will be punished.

30:05 How sure are legal experts about the conclusion that Mike Yeadon has drawn from this, that it is all about depopulation and intentionally killing people through injections? If close to 50 lawyers are of the same opinion, it is regarded as “irrefutable proof”.

32:08 Batches of injections in Sweden can be traced by an application.

32:45 Füllmich is in cooperation with people working within the secret service of Germany who do not wish to take the injections.

34:15 Dr Lee Merritt on combat pilots in the USA refusing to get the shots. According to Dr Füllmich, Dr Merrit explained: ”They understood that if they were forced to [get vaccinated] they were going to get killed.”

35:15 Information is being collected on batches in Sweden from every region, the Swedish health authorities (Folkhälsomyndigheten) and medical board (Läkemedelsverket). Every batch is traceable through an application. There is economic reward for the Swedish regions which manage to get more people injected. One of the expert lawyers involved in the upcoming court hearings is a specialist on Nuremberg Trials.

38:45 How will the trials be performed, and through what legal structure? A common design, the same structure as for the Nuremberg trials.

39:40 Free choice should reign for members of the European Union. Consumers of health care have consumer rights. Fraud means misleading the people and consumers of health care.

42:00 The so called vaccines are an adulterated product put on to the market. According to Mike Yeadon there is a law in the US that will make everyone liable for the harms created by the adulterated product. Toxins are being put into the vials other than the known lipids etc, which the people who took the vaccines never consented to.

43:40 The importance of decentralization of power and national independence rather than global organizations such as the European Union telling the people what to do. Disconnecting from the banking system, NGO:s and creating independent and strong agricultural supply chains, energy supply chains etc.

46:15 When are the trials going to take place? How will the indictements happen and how will the trials be held? One of the goals is to inform people and expose the wrongdoings by involving the alternative media so that the mainstream media won’t be able to ignore the trials. The crew is working on a new system of law in the USA, Africa and Germany.

50:48 Dr Füllmich believes the world is close to a tipping point and the whole narrative will fall apart very very soon, maybe in a couple of weeks or months.

54:13 Robert Malone, Robert F Kennedy and Mike Yeadon and others involved in exposing the agenda are in contact with each other, and a tour is planned with these whistleblowers in the USA in March.


LGBT associations are brainwashing children, says France’s Éric Zemmour

On Monday, French presidential candidate Éric Zemmour commented on school clubs fighting racism and homophobia. According to him, they brainwash children, and reveal the need for a return to a more conservative education system.

“In the last 40 years, our children have been indoctrinated,” said Zemmour.

“Schools cannot be a place where LGBT and anti-racist ideologies brainwash our children,” he added. Zemmour, who has praised Hungary and Poland in the past, has shown support for the country’s conservative positions on the issue of LGBT ideology, especially regarding Hungary’s attempts to halt the spread of LGBT topics being introduced to children in the education system.

In the April presidential election, Zemmour will be vying with the more established conservative candidate Marine Le Pen along with the Republicans’ Valerie Pécresse, who are all challenging President Emmanuel Macron.

According to surveys, Zemmour is currently in fourth place.

The journalist and political commentator would reintroduce handing out diplomas at the end of primary school, a practice which was abolished more than 50 years ago as children increasingly entered secondary schools.

He would omit foreign language lessons from primary school curricula so that children could concentrate on French and mathematics. He would also support the study of Greek and Latin in high schools or suspend school benefits for parents of disobedient children.

Rebirth of journalism

Zemmour further criticized journalists, stating that people have a right to be angry with them as they act as “sheep.”

“2022 will be the year of the rebirth of French journalism, the real, great one that died suffocated under a lead blanket of political correctness,” Zemmour said.

Less than a hundred days remain until the first round of the French presidential election, and the candidates do not hesitate to use sharper terms in their speeches.

After President Emmanuel Macron said he wanted to “piss off” the unvaccinated, while his right-wing rival Valérie Pécresse also strengthened her rhetoric. During a visit to the south of France, she spoke about the need to “clean up some neighborhoods.”


Tripple jabbed Swiss marathon record holder and Olympic athlete diagnosed with myocarditis

The star runner Fabienne Schlumpf announced the news in a post on Instagram. Schlumpf confirmed to a Swiss newspaper that she has been triple vaccinated and that she has not had Covid.

“Unfortunately myocarditis is holding me back at the moment. It’s certainly not an easy time for me, but I’m not giving up. I hope to be back soon, chasing my dreams… and competitors,” she wrote. This is however the end of the road for her career. “Nobody can say how long I’ll have to put my career on hold,” she admitted.

The 31-year-old is said to feel “tired” everyday and after her heart rate shot up during an easy endurance run last month, she consulted a doctor who diagnosed her with myocarditis.

The veteran runner had planned to go on training camp in Portugal early this year, but this was canceled after her diagnosis. The runner who specializes in the 3000 meters steeplechase, won the silver medal at the 2018 European Championships.

Her personal best of 9:37.81 is the current Swiss national record.


Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux Church in Strasbourg: Statue of the Virgin Mary vandalised for the second time

It was probably in the early morning of this Saturday that the crime occurred: the statue of the Virgin Mary in the church of Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux was found destroyed, presumably by vandalism. A complaint will be filed.DNA


France: Man shouts “Allah Akbar” in the street and injures three police officers

A driver injured three police officers when he was stopped in Valenciennes (northern France) on Sunday afternoon. The police were called because he was shouting “Allah Akbar” among other things in the street.

It was an aggressive and violent man who was arrested by the Valenciennes police at around 4.45 pm. Earlier, several people had dialled the ” emergency number 17 ” to make an alert: A man driving a car shouted ” Allah Akbar ” and ” Allah is here, you will die ” at the height of the Quai des Mines, according to a source familiar with the investigation.

The police quickly spotted the driver. He first stopped and then got out of his vehicle. Enraged, he attacked the police officers with the car keys and punched them in the face. Finally he was overpowered and arrested. The 36-year-old offender, who was already known to the police, was taken into police custody. He was brought in for an investigation into his behaviour. (…)actu17.fr


Germany: Vaccination supporters’ protest attracted only 3 participants and one cat

Demmin’s most famous cat wanted to take it up a notch at the weekend and protest for vaccination. But the number of participants fell far short of expectations.

With the ongoing Corona pandemic and related measures, people keep flocking to the streets. Mostly to protest against the prevailing rules or compulsory vaccination. But there are also protesters who want to stand up for vaccination. On Saturday, for example, a sign was to be set on the market square in Demmin. However, the supposedly famous organiser could not mobilise the Hanseatic citizens.

Just three citizens gathered at the scheduled time of 2 pm. Among them was Torsten Lohr, who had registered the rally in the name of his cat Quarky Mautz. “I want to use his name recognition,” Lohr explained his plans in advance.
He would expect 35 to 70 people – with the hope of more. The idea would be to create a counterpoint to the demonstrations of the critics of the measures – if possible reaching far beyond the borders of Demmin.

In fact, the cat had made it to appearances in national media last year and achieved a certain fame. The reason: Lohr wanted the animal to run as a candidate for mayor. Afterwards, however, it became quiet again about Quarky and his owner. Apparently, it was too quiet for the unofficial mascot of former times to generate any more interest in a manifestation.
