Are Covid lockdowns a money grab by the rich?

The Corona crisis is no longer a health crisis, but an economic one.

It should be clear to anyone that this crisis did not strike by chance like a force of nature. The lockdowns have worked like a charm since they starved small and medium-sized businesses and thus greatly helped to boost the wealth of the super rich.

They have played all too well into the hands of Klaus Schwab and his wealthy supporters. Because according to this year’s Forbes list of the richest people, 660 new billionaires were minted – an increase of a staggering 30 percent compared to the previous year.

The Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was able to gain almost 100 billion dollars and popular figure Bill Gates also gained 31 billion dollars. Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg, whose platform is now called Meta, received an additional 71 billion and other tech giants such as Larry Page and Sergey Brin (both Google) were able to grow into the double-digit billion range. The absolute winner with an unimaginable increase of 138 billion is however Tesla boss Elon Musk.

So essentially, this “pandemic” is a money grab: The redistribution of wealth to the very rich is also in full swing thanks to the experimental gene therapy injections. At the top of the winners is co-founder and BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin, who is now worth a whopping $13.3 billion. Close behind is Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna with $12.5 billion. Numerous other pharmaceutical company executives have also benefited, as have corporate investors such as Bill Gates and suppliers such as ROVI, which produce vaccine vials.

A little curiously, supply chains were interrupted by a container ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal after a strange maneuver (the course was described as the shape of a giant penis). Shipping container prices have multiplied since then – from around $2 000 to over $9 000. The prices of raw materials rose to unimaginable high levels while gas and energy prices shot up as well. This in turn had an impact on fertilizer production and thus on food prices which will be felt only next year.

The already galloping inflation is likely to pick up even further which will benefit only those with assets.

As Communism Spreads, Europeans are on Guard against Nazis

What’s the biggest issue in the next French Presidential election?  The economy?  Climate change?  Education?

All of the above are on the minds of French voters, but what’s shaping up to be the main issue is what Eric Zemmour calls the “great replacement.”  Zemmour, a journalist, television personality, and author of a best-selling book (The French Suicide) is one of the leading presidential contenders.  “The great replacement” refers to the belief that European elites wish to replace what remains of Western-Christian civilization with a different civilization built on different values.

Not to put too fine a point on it, the replacement culture is Islam.  And the replacement is being accomplished by a combination of high Muslim birth rates and the importation of millions of people from Muslim countries.  According to a recent Harris poll, about 67 % of French people agree with Zemmour that a “great replacement” is underway.  There are approximately 750 “no-go-zones” in France which are largely controlled by Muslims.  The population of Lyon, the third-largest city in France is over 30 % Muslim, while Marseille, France’s second-largest city, is 40 % Muslim.  Projections of current population trends suggest that France will be a predominantly Muslim country by 2050.

It seems as though a “great replacement” may well be underway.  Yet the European elites whom Zemmour and others criticize, are responding in the same knee-jerk fashion they have always employed when their hegemony is threatened.

Take Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg.  He’s the head of the Commission of Bishops Conference of the European Union (COMECE).  Cardinal Hollerich recently criticized some European Union officials for wanting to remove the word “Christmas” from the Christmas season (which would henceforth be known as “winter break”).

That seems the proper attitude for a Cardinal to take—until you discover his rationale.  He worries that the name changes might push European Catholics “into the trap of the populist politicians who use the name of Christianity to justify their very nearly anti-Christian… attitudes.”

To understand the Cardinal’s full meaning, you need to understand that among Europe’s liberal and leftist elites, “populism” is a code word for “Nazism.”  Hitler and Mussolini were populist leaders, so if you vote for a populist candidate, you’ll soon have brownshirts marching in the streets.  Or so goes the simple-minded reasoning of people like Cardinal Hollerich.  Unfortunately, his narrow line of logic is not confined to COMECE (which has been pushing it ever since its inception); it has been the common wisdom among Europe’s bien pensants ever since the end of World War II.

For liberals, populism must be avoided at all costs.  And so must nationalism, because Hitler and Mussolini were also nationalists. They never ceased talking about returning their respective nations to their former glory.  The path of nationalism, said Cardinal Hollerich in an interview with Crux, would put us “back in 1914 and 1939.”  In other words, the nationalists would return us to the days of World War I and World War II.

And who are the present-day populist-nationalists?  Well, Victor Orban in Hungary comes to mind along with other Eastern European leaders.  But quite obviously, the populist man-of-the-hour is Eric Zemmour.  In response to the interviewer’s question about going back to the nationalistic past, Cardinal Hollerich replied, “the big challenge will be the presidential election in France.”

And what is the big issue in the French presidential election?

Interviewer: “A lot of those who would vote for the nationalist parties, would argue that the identity of Europe is at risk because of migration.  Would you agree with that?”

Cdl. Hollerich: “I do not think so, because if you look at the number of migrants, the percentage they make and our numbers, then we must be very weak and they are very strong if they are a threat to our identity.”

Hollerich’s answer is quite revealing.  Above all, it reveals his naiveté.  He dismisses the threat to “our identity” from Muslims because their numbers are small compared to native Europeans.  Considering the population advantage enjoyed by the heirs of the Western-Christian tradition, says Hollerich, “We must be very weak” if the newcomers are “a threat to our identity.” 

But that’s precisely the point that Zemmour and others are making.  The strength of the Muslims in Europe is not a myth; it’s a reality.  The truth is, “they” are strong, and “we” areweak.  In a contest of wills, it’s not the size of the two contesting populations that counts, but strength of resolve.  And, by-and-large, the French (along with other Europeans) seems to have lost the will to resist.

Lack of resolve is really the whole point of Michel Houellebecq’s best-selling novel, Submission.  The protagonist submits to Islam because nothing seems to him worth fighting for.  The things that are important to him are not so important that he is willing to take a stand for them.

Cardinal Hollerich’s belief that Islam is not a threat to European identity misses a crucial point.  European identity is already shattered—and the fault lies not with Muslims, but with Europeans themselves.  What’s at stake now is not Europe’s identity, but its existence.  Zemmour’s book is entitled The French suicide with good reason.  His campaign, he says, is about whether France lives or dies.  English journalist Douglas Murray expresses similar sentiments in The Death of Europe—another best-seller.  Meanwhile, Thilo Sarrazin’s, Germany Abolishes Itself, topped the best-seller list for 21 weeks in that country when it was published.

A common theme of all these books is that Europe’s existence is threatened because, to a large extent, Europe has already lost its identity. One could, of course, argue that Europeans have an identity of sorts– a blend of secular relativism, materialism, technology, and entertainment. These passing values may provide some sort of identity, but not a very solid one. While transcendent values may be worth fighting for, few are inclined to risk their lives for transient values.

Ironically, for most of its history the center-point of European identity was the faith that Cardinal Hollerich now represents.  But he doesn’t represent it very well if he won’t acknowledge the simple fact that Christianity in Europe is in a weakened state:  it is in decline, while Islam is on the rise.

His nonchalance about the relative strength of Christians and Muslims is all the more puzzling in light of the numerous attacks against European Christians by Muslims in recent years.  Just last week in the town of Nanterre west of Paris, a dozen young Muslims harassed an outdoor procession on the feast of the Immaculate Conception.  Several of the parishioners were pushed and shoved and spat upon, and death threats were issued.  In the last few years, thousands of Catholic Churches have been desecrated in France alone, and many have been set on fire.

Similar attacks on Christian churches and churchgoers are now common all over Europe.  In addition, recent years have seen numerous deadly attacks by Muslims against Europe’s famous Christmas markets.

Of course, Christians aren’t the only target.  On a percentage basis, Jews are more likely to be attacked by Muslims than are other groups:  Jews in synagogues, Jews in Kosher markets, Jewish children at school, Jews walking down the street.  When Muslims migrate to the Continent, they tend to bring with them the anti-Semitic attitudes that are endemic in Muslim countries.

 And this brings us back to the elitist complaint about populist and nationalist politicians.  It is assumed that, like the Nazis, they also are anti-Semites

The problem with this long-standing thesis, is that Eric Zemmour, the current leader of the nationalist movement in France, is a Jew.

One might think that this inconvenient fact would prompt the leftists and elitists to question their narrative.  But for those on the left, the narrative always trumps the facts.  The theme of populist anti-Semitism is actually part of a larger and more elaborate narrative—one that has proven quite useful to Europeans on the left.  Let’s call it the “narrative of the new Jews.”

Jews are a small minority in Europe and their numbers have been decreasing.  Moreover, it’s difficult to make the case that they are still suffering the kind of persecution they suffered at the hands of the Nazis and Nazi collaborators.  So, in order to make the narrative more persuasive, it was given a tweak.  This was done by replacing the Jews with the Muslims.  Henceforth, Muslims were to be thought of as the “new Jews.”  They would be the new victim class.  Though basically ridiculous, this new narrative did make some sense.  By the beginning of the 21st century, there were far more Muslims in Europe than Jews.  Muslims were still a minority, but they were a very visible minority.  It was also clear that many Europeans regarded the Muslims with suspicion, fear, and resentment.  What’s more, the Muslim leaders had developed a narrative of their own which dovetailed with the “new Jews” narrative.  They complained incessantly that they were the victims of “Islamophobia.”  And the main proof of this “phobia” was European resistance to Muslim immigration.

Whether that resistance was due to a phobia (an irrational fear) or to a rational fear is a question for another time.  But European fears about Muslims did feed into both narratives—the “Islamophobia” narrative and the “new Jews” narrative.  Unsurprisingly, those who hewed to the “new Jews” storyline were soon labeling immigration resisters as the “new Nazis.”  By this strange logic, Eric Zemmour, a Jew, can be considered anti-Semitic because he resists the takeover of his country by the “new Semites”—the Muslims.

But ironies abound.  In order to accept the “new Jews” thesis, one has to ignore a number of stark realities.  For one thing, the “new Jews” (the Muslims) are strikingly reminiscent of the old Nazis (the original ones). They have a deep-seated animosity toward Jews and a long history of persecuting them.  Indeed, during World War II, one of the most prominent Muslim leaders, Haj Amin al-Husseini, actively collaborated with Hitler to develop a plan to exterminate the Jews. It seems no coincidence that today the majority of hate crimes against Jews in America and Europe are committed by Muslims. Translated into woke-spoke, that means that the chief enemy of the old Jews (i.e., Jews) are the new Jews. Meanwhile the main resistance to the “new Jews” comes from the “new Nazis” (who resemble the leaders of the resistance movement against the real Nazis during the war).

If you can iron-out all these ironies, you deserve a gold medal, but there is one more irony to consider.  Perhaps the biggest irony of all is that this Kabuki drama about keeping Nazis from coming to power again, is being played out against a backdrop of an actual resurgence of a clear and present danger–communism.

  Nazism was almost totally discredited after the total defeat of Hitler’s armies.  The only places where Hitler is still honored and Mein Kampf is still studied are in Muslim countries. By contrast, communism which was responsible for far more deaths in the 20th century than Nazism, was never thoroughly defeated or discredited.  Judging by a plethora of Hollywood movies, Nazis or neo-Nazis are always just a step away from world conquest.  But in the real world—Islamists excepted—fans of Nazism control absolutely nothing.  On the other hand, communists control some of the largest and most powerful countries on the planet, and many smaller nations besides. In addition, they are close to controlling many of the West’s key institutions—schools, universities, the media, political parties, deep-state bureaucracies, and, of course, Hollywood (where they continue to churn out movies about the Nazi threat).

In Europe, the ruse of a Nazi resurgence has been fairly successful. It has often convinced voters to vote left-liberal– just in case. More importantly, it has worked to distract Europeans from another and far more real danger. In America, a similar diversionary tactic has long been a part of national politics. For a number of reasons, however, Americans were more resistant than Europeans to the Nazi scare tactic.

But leftists don’t give up. In recent years, their campaign of diversion in America has escalated. Of course, they seldom speak of Nazis. Instead, they tell us we are in great danger from “nationalists,” “white supremacists,” and “domestic terrorists.” By the same token, the leftists assure us that we have no enemy on the left.

At a time when there is growing danger on the left, it’s time for both Americans and Europeans to stop falling for the old ruse.

Germany: Arab migrant sexually harasses 16-year-old girl on bus and insults her in a racist way because of her dark skin colour

The Kassel police are looking for witnesses who can provide information on the so far unknown perpetrator in a preliminary investigation on charges of incitement to hatred, insult and attempted bodily harm. The crime took place on a bus in Kassel on Tuesday afternoon at around 5:25 pm. The victim, a 16-year-old girl from Kassel, had boarded the bus with her friends at the Mauerstraße stop in the direction of the main railway station. There, the unknown man, who was already a passenger on the bus, approached her and flirted with her. After the young woman had clearly told the man not to do so, he loudly insulted her and made inciting statements because of her dark skin colour. Later, the offender allegedly tripped her up when she walked past his seat to get off the bus at the main railway station.However, the 16-year-old noticed this in time so that she did not fall. However, immediately afterwards the man hit her head from behind with his hand. As the teenager was wearing a hood, she fortunately did not suffer any injuries. The perpetrator also got off the train at the main station and ran into the station building, where he disappeared. An immediate search by the police of the police station Mitte and officers of the Federal Police was unsuccessful. The victim and the witnesses described the perpetrator as follows:

30 to 35 years old, 1.80 to 1.90 metres tall, normal build,
dark curly hair, “goatee”, wearing a jacket in red, white and black colours and grey trousers.
Spoke broken German, Arabic appearance.

Any further witnesses who can provide information about the perpetrator are asked to contact the North Hesse Police Headquarters by calling 0561-9100.

Welcome to the insane world of so-called transgenderism

By Andrea Widburg

The Daily Mail reports that one “man” believes that women and motherhood shouldn’t automatically be paired. Yes, it’s another deep dive into the madness of transgenderism, which reminds us that we cannot allow leftists to decouple America from reality.

Bennett Kaspar-Williams is a biological female. (With unintentional humor, she describes her breast amputation as “a huge weight off my shoulders.”) She is married to Malik (biological sex unknown). The couple, who present as two gay, bearded men, wanted a baby, so Bennett stopped taking testosterone and, somehow or other became pregnant. The baby, a boy (whose gender they assumed), was born last year.

The Daily Mail (which accepts the pretense that Kaspar-Williams is male) is now addressing the horrors of having healthcare workers call her, and treat her as, a woman:

‘The only thing that made me dysphoric about my pregnancy was the misgendering that happened to me when I was getting medical care for my pregnancy,’ he said.

‘The business of pregnancy – and yes, I say business, because the entire institution of pregnancy care in America is centred around selling this concept of “motherhood” – is so intertwined with gender that it was hard to escape being misgendered.

‘Even with a full beard, a flat chest, and a ‘male’ gender marker on all my identification, people could not help but default to calling me “mom”, “mother”, or “ma’am”.

The horror! However, she’s still cushioned in her madness—and a decidedly narcissistic madness it is too: “Nothing feels stronger than being able to say I’m a dad who created my own child.”

Kaspar-Williams’s ultimate take on pregnancy is something that should give every sane person in America the courage to stand up and say that the transgender emperor has no penis or testes. Instead, the emperor is a woman:

‘No one can ever really know whether having children is possible until you try – being born with a uterus doesn’t make conceiving or carrying a certainty.

‘That’s why it’s so important that we stop defining “womanhood” in terms of “motherhood”, because it’s a false equivalency that all women can become mothers, that all mothers carry their children, or that all people who carry children are mothers.

“It’s a false equivalency…that all people who carry children are mothers”? Uh, no. It’s a biological reality. Beneath the male pattern baldness and beard that Kaspar-Williams achieved through testosterone and the surgically flat chest, Kaspar-Williams’s chromosomes are XX, she once had functional, milk-producing mammary glands, and she still has ovaries capable of producing eggs and a uterus that can hold a fetus. Those are uniquely female attributes that men don’t have. When she’s dead and gone, her bones will tell the tale: Here lies a woman.

Image: Screen grab of Bennett Kaspar-Williams’s Instagram page. Note the pregnancy picture and the attacks on “toxic masculinity.”

If people are delusional but harmless, I willingly leave them alone. If you’d like to explain to me that Big Foot is real or that you were abducted by aliens when you were a teenager, I’ll listen and even keep my opinions to myself. And certainly, Kaspar-Williams’s unhappiness with her natural body is sad. But still, people like her are toxic because she’s using her prominence to try to remake society to conform to her delusional thinking. Thanks to the internet, she and Malik have four different Instagram accounts on which they spread their departure from reality.

From Kaspar-William’s crusade to decouple childbearing from women, it’s a short step to Will Thomas (aka Lia Thomas) a strapping 22-year-old men’s competitive swimmer who announced he was a woman and then jumped into the pool to swim against women. Because of the madness that is 2021, he wasn’t dragged out of the pool and kicked out of the University of Pennsylvania. Instead, he was acclaimed as a women’s swimmer who broke all the records. In fact, he broke no records at all because he’s not a woman, any more than Bennett is a man.

The world is real and functions according to real rules. Men are, on average, bigger and stronger than women. Women carry babies. The earth’s climate changes on its own, without human help. Modern Monetary Theory is nonsense. Epstein didn’t kill himself. And Joe Biden didn’t get over 80 million votes.

To buy the delusions means erasing true female athletes; decoupling women from motherhood; going back to a dark premodern world that, absent fossil fuel, relies on human and animal labor to “save” the climate; destroying the US economy; and pretending that the American people really were stupid enough to vote for the corrupt lump occupying the Oval Office.

Germany: 10,000 protest in Rostock against the Corona measures – city wanted to record all participants by name

Around 10,000 people, more than twice as many as last time, walked their own protest route across the city! In Rostock, for the first time, the registered Monday demonstration against the Corona restrictions and against compulsory vaccination could not take place as planned.

The police report says: “Before the start of the assembly, the assembly leader was supposed to keep an attendance list in connection with the Infection Protection Act, in which the data of the participants is recorded. The leader of the meeting was not in a position to do this.

After the previous Monday demonstrations in Rostock, which have so far always been trouble-free – mostly in compliance with the hygiene rules (distance, mask) – now suddenly all demonstrators were to have their names recorded in lists.

A case of harassment? Or legally justifiable?

The renowned, nationally known lawyer Joachim Steinhöfel (59) says in response to a BILD newspaper enquiry about the demo requirement: “What a fatal signal! Political persecution also began in the GDR with the systematic registration of ‘deviants’. The procedure is also clearly unconstitutional and violates several basic rights, in particular the right to freedom of demonstration!”On Monday evening, the people could not be dissuaded from their planned protest and first marched in front of the town hall. They demanded that Mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen (49, non-party) show himself – to no avail. Afterwards, the protest marched peacefully through the city centre to the city harbour.

Police spokeswoman Dörte Lembke: “At the peak, about 10,000 people joined the march, the vast majority from the middle-class spectrum.”

Who was responsible for the strict, almost impossible to fulfil requirements and the resulting spontaneous demonstration – this is now being disputed. City spokesman Ulrich Kunze told BILD on Tuesday: “The fact that the contact details were to be collected was only a recommendation, not an obligation. The head of the office assured me of that again after consultation.”

Assembly leader Jens Kaufmann (55, entrepreneur) contradicts this account: “This ‘should’ is more about ‘must’ than ‘can’. I should record the names, addresses, telephone numbers of all participants.” According to Kaufmann, he would have made himself liable to prosecution if he had ignored this requirement, which should be seen as a political decision.

In addition, Kaufmann said, he had asked the police commander to clarify or have the legal interpretation of this required list of participants clarified with the regulatory authority or Lord Mayor Madsen on site. This had not happened even after an hour. Therefore, he could not be responsible for the demo on this scale.

By the way: When the soccer club FC Hansa advanced into the 2nd league in May, 10,000 people were allowed to celebrate spontaneously – also under Corona conditions – in a humid and uncontrolled way, without distances and masks, on the market square – and the Lord Mayor was present in person. In retrospect, this did not prove to be a Corona infection hotspot.

Freudian Slip? WHO Director Says Covid Boosters Are Being Used to “Kill Children” in Slip-Up During Press Conference (VIDEO)