Author: fredalanmedforth
France: A TV report on Islamism in the country is alarming the political class
“Faced with the threat of radical Islam, how does the state respond”. This is the title of Zone Interdite’s investigation, which has provoked fierce reactions since it was broadcast on M6 on Sunday January the 23rd. Zone Interdite was indeed focusing on the city of Roubaix in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, where “a small radicalised minority is challenging the laws of the Republic”. Some neighbourhoods are characterised by a rigorous Islam. The broadcast shows, for example, “faceless dolls” sold in toy shops in Roubaix “to respect an ultra-radical version of Islam that forbids the representation of human faces”. Or a first primary school class where boys and (veiled) girls are taught separately. And even a restaurant where women can eat undisturbed without wearing the veil.
In any case, this research has alarmed some politicians on the political right. This also applies to Éric Ciotti. The Les Républicains (LR) MP from Alpes-Maritimes called the report “frightening”: “Islamism is advancing, conquering territories and minds, everywhere in France, sometimes with the help and indulgence of elected representatives of the Republic,” he lamented on his Twitter account. In another message, Éric Ciotti even blamed Emmanuel Macron’s government. For him, “Macronism is an accomplice to these conditions”, and he recalled that he had already called on the government to “ban the veil for little girls”.
To this, the government had responded to him “by comparing the Islamic veil of children to the First Communion of Catholics”.Nadine Morano, LR MEP, shared a video clip from Zone Interdite about a restaurant in Roubaix where female customers who want to eat without a veil are provided with booths closed with an opaque curtain. According to Nadine Morano, “a merciless war should be waged in France to expel these barbarians” and close “these restaurants” and also “these boutiques, these bookshops, these Quranic schools, these mosques”.
“This is the appalling consequence of 30 years of political cowardice,” outraged Gilbert Collard on Twitter. He denounced the “communitarianism” that is taught “from an early age”. He shared a video clip of a first grade class where boys and veiled girls are taught separately. The teacher, who is also veiled, assures that the students “learn to live without seeing the opposite sex”.
Finally, Éric Zemmour wrote a commentary in Le Figaro on Monday 24 January. For the candidate for the presidential elections next April, the documentary shows that Afghanistan is “two hours away from Paris”. He wrote: “The customs and traditions of totalitarian Afghanistan are taking root in our country under the benevolent gaze of the public authorities.” Éric Zemmour then called to “take back our country”: “It is time to put an end to Islamic indoctrination.”
Nothing left to lose: March against Corona dictatorship in Brussels
Violent scenes in the heart of the European Union with hundreds of angry protesters storming the offices of the EU Parliament and attacking law enforcement: Brussels has declared a state of emergency. Police were already entrenched in EU buildings, expecting civil unrest.
The civil war-like scenes in the capital of the EU show that the global Corona narrative is no longer sustainable. If EU governments do not withdraw their illogical measures soon, the violent protests threaten to spread like wildfire.
Europeans from all over the world gathered in Brussels on Sunday to show those in power that they no longer feel represented by the politicians. Hundreds of thousands of supporters took to the streets in a truly historic day.
The anger of citizens was directed mainly at EU buildings. Inflation, loss of livelihood, deprivation of liberty: Countless citizens have lost everything due to the Corona dictatorship. Media reported that “70 000” people had gathered for demonstrations in the heart of the European Union from 11 am. A group of protesters then broke away from the crowd to violently vent their anger.
At the start, people peacefully demanded the end of the Corona dictatorship. But from around 2 pm the situation escalated, with participants at their wits end. Apparently too many had nothing left to lose.
Even if the police initially foresaw an escalation, they soon capitulated. Many people were so desperate that they stopped at nothing: They defended themselves against state repression, throwing trash, wooden slats, street railings, dumpsters, stones and bottles at police officers. Windows were also broken and vehicles were damaged.
The officers had entrenched themselves in official buildings. Occasionally fires were also lit and smoke grenades were used to block the view of the angry crowd. Thick smoke clouds could be seen over Brussels. Black-bloc Antifa provocateurs could be seen attacking buildings, however, ordinary citizens were spotted chasing beleaguered officers into an underground entrance. The crowd even cheered the Antifa troublemakers.
Misery has been breeding this anger because the gap between rich and poor has widened, especially in Belgium. With mega corporations and the super-rich raking in bigger profits than ever, more and more people are losing their livelihoods. The ten richest billionaires were even able to double their fortunes during Corona, as determined by the development aid organization Oxfam.
At the same time, at least 160 million people have been forced into poverty. This development is particularly evident in Belgium, where the super-rich were also able to further concentrate their assets due to the Corona policy. Many warned that increasing social inequality would be leading to social unrest.
Snake 🐍 Harry Begs Forgiveness & Wants To Come Home 🤮 Queen Needs A Cleaner £9.10 Per Hour
France: Police waited outside Sarah Halimi’s apartment while she was murdered
A new parliamentary report on the 2017 killing of a Jewish woman by a Muslim attacker was meant to restore French Jews’ faith in their country’s police and justice systems.
Instead, the report released last week has added fuel to the fire, enraging French Jewish leaders.
Last year, a judge ruled that Sarah Halimi’s professed killer was not responsible for his actions because his consumption of marijuana had induced a psychotic episode. This was despite the fact that the court concluded he was motivated to kill Halimi because she was Jewish.
In the aftermath of the ruling, French Jews led a wave of infuriated protests.
In September 2021, a parliamentary committee led by French Jewish lawmaker Meyer Habib began investigating, in his words, “any dysfunctions” in the case on the part of French police. The committee’s new 67,000-word report found that police officers arrived on the scene before the murder occurred but did not stop it.
Despite that finding, and others that paint a muddled picture of the day of the crime, the committee wrote that none of the officers, judges, psychiatrists or anyone else involved in the case had done anything wrong.
Habib and other non-Jewish committee members railed against the final recommendations, but it passed by a vote of 7-5.
Here’s what you should know about the report, and why it matters to the French Jewish community.
The findings
The report summarized some of what was known, but it also revealed many new details to the public. These are the key findings, from the committee’s point of view:
-Kobili Traore, a 31-year-old French-Muslim man of Malian descent, forced his way into the 65-year-old Halimi’s Paris apartment and killed her — brutally, as was previously known, by beating her and throwing her out of a window — because she was Jewish. Prosecutors also already knew that Traore recited verses from the Koran and shouted antisemitic statements during the murder.
-Police had arrived on the scene in response to calls by Halimi’s neighbors, who heard her cries. The report adds that the officers were given keys to Halimi’s apartment when they arrived, long before Halimi’s death. But they waited outside as Traore beat her — the report says they “could not prevent” her death and followed all relevant procedures closely.
-The medical evaluation that led to Traore’s admission into a psychiatry hospital — before he could be given a trial — was “of good quality,” the report adds, despite challenging circumstances. He may be released from the psychiatric facility where he is held pending a recommendation by his doctors, if approved by a police commissioner.
-In the chain of events that led to the decision not to try Traore, “the judiciary followed perfectly the procedure” determined by the law, the report reads. The police’s handling of the case “does not represent a failure.”
The criticism
Habib and two other members of the committee — lawmakers Constance Le Grip and François Pupponi, who are not Jewish — strongly objected to each of the key findings, arguing they defy common sense.
Habib, a member of the centrist UDI party, wrote a scathing criticism that was included in the final version of the report. He noted the recent testimony given to the committee by the neighboring Diarra family, who said they gave police keys to the building and to Halimi’s apartment, and claimed that the police did not intervene when Halimi could have been saved.
In a radio interview, Habib compared the ordeal to the infamous 19th-century Dreyfus Affair, one of French Jewry’s most traumatic episodes, which involved a wrongful espionage conviction for a French Jewish soldier.
“It’s a tragic case. It’s a second Dreyfus Affair. It’s a denial. It’s a disgrace. There was no trial, the murderer is on his way to freedom,” added Habib, a former leader of the CRIF umbrella group of Jewish communities.
He told Radio J, a Jewish community broadcaster, that fellow lawmakers “refused to tell the truth, refused to come with us to the site to see the conditions, to see whether the 10 police officers who were there lied when they said they didn’t hear a single cry of a woman whose death cries, uttered for 14 minutes, had woken up the whole building. And yes, they lied.”
Florence Morlighem, a lawmaker in Macron’s centrist Republic on the March party, compiled the report’s final wording. She criticized Habib in the report, alleging that under his leadership, the committee “heard unacceptable remarks that feed the idea of a conspiracy on the part of authorities and the judiciary to silence this affair.”
Leaders of French Jewry reacted critically to the report, and especially to a statement Morlighem made during a committee meeting. According to minutes from the session, Morlighem said that police likely didn’t hear Halimi scream because, “in light of the dimensions of Traore, and the photos of Sarah Halimi’s cadaver, I think she did not scream for a long time.”
Critics called her language callous and her reasoning flawed.
“Inacceptable remarks by the rapporteur,” Francis Kalifat, the president of CRIF, wrote on Twitter earlier this month. “Florence Morlighem is exacerbating the denial of justice to Sarah Halimi by adding to it the denial of her suffering.”
Le Monde Juif, a communal news site, called her remarks ”filthy” in an unusually harsh editorial.
Morlighem said some of her remarks had been “twisted and pulled out of context,” giving the impression that she had downplayed Halimi’s suffering. She added on Twitter that she regrets this false impression.
Why it matters, and what’s next
Last month, the French senate passed a law nullifying temporary insanity defenses related to the voluntary ingestion of drugs, in what observers said was a direct reaction to the so-called “Halimi affair” by President Emmanuel Macron.
But that has not satisfied French Jewry, whose protests last year were the largest against their government in decades. They feel betrayed and abandoned by a state whose support they view as crucial for enduring an increase of antisemitic violence since the early 2000s. The last decade saw a surge in French Jewish immigration to Israel – about 50,000 of them have made the move since 2010, a major increase over the previous decade.
Macron has made inroads with the French Jewish electorate, including by declaring at a Holocaust commemoration ceremony in 2017, shortly after his election, that anti-Zionism is a form of antisemitism — an unprecedented assertion by a sitting French president. Many Jews and non-Jews support his relatively tough stance on what he deems radicalized Islamists,
But the Halimi affair could emerge as a major political issue as France nears new presidential elections in April. Macron’s foremost challengers are the far-right candidates Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, who will both likely seize the opportunity to criticize the incumbent as weak on combating antisemitism.
Zemmour, who is Jewish, has not yet commented on the report. But he has followed the case closely and has written about it in the months preceding the recent launch of his campaign in a column for Le Figaro, titled, “You’re in France. Welcome to the crazies!”
“Is it a crime? No! An antisemitic murder? Nonsense! An Islamist murder? Let’s not generalize! The experts have evaluated, studied, decided. The experts exerted their expertise and their word is holy. Kobili Traore is crazy.”
German sponsor forbids the blessing of a laundry for the homeless in Poland
There has been a noticeable rise in intolerance and aggression towards Catholicism across Europe, the president of an influential Polish Catholic think tank has warned.
Jerzy Kwaśniewski, the head of the Ordo Iuris legal body, substantiated his remarks by referring to an incident in which German company, Henkel, refused to allow a bishop to bless the opening of a new laundry for the homeless the company had sponsored in Wrocław.
“Henkel misunderstood its role. It’s worth nothing, that during the opening ceremony it was a guest. Even if the company had funded some of the project, a Catholic organization was its initiator and owner,” Kwaśniewski told Polish TV channel, Trwam TV.Instead, bishop Kiciński was only offered to hold a speech at the event, which he declined and subsequently left the ceremony.
Shortly after the incident, the Saint Brother Albert Aid Association decided to return the funds which Henkel had supplied for the establishment. The head of Henkel Poland, Karolina Szmidt, published a letter of apology to the bishop, but the incident may still threaten the company.
“The company’s head has withdrawn from the anti-religious approach of her employees. According to the ceremony’s participants, however, the decision to forbid the bishop from blessing the laundry was consulted with upper management. This is why it was not merely a mistake made by a single employee, as Henkel is now trying to claim. This is the true image of the company’s anti-religious policy,” Kwaśniewski said.
He hoped that the situation would be a lesson to all companies which were driven by simple business calculations. “Ideologies sold more poorly in Poland than loyalty to the Polish cultural code,” said Kwaćniewski.
“The last two years have shown, that we have been dealing with a growing hatred towards Catholics and aggression towards them,” the attorney warned.
On Sunday, the Board of the Saint Brother Albert Aid Association published a statement in which it informed that it considered the issue of misunderstandings during the laundry’s opening to be closed. “In light of declarations on cooperation in the future, we consider the matter explained and closed. Simultaneously, we inform that the laundry’s blessing will take place at the earliest possible date,” the statement read.
“Since he was forbidden to carry out religious acts, he refused to take part in the ceremony. Owing to the bishop’s stance, a consumer boycott of Henkel was started and propagated throughout Catholic media and environments,” the attorney explained.
Perpetrators of Covid-19 scam face ICC charges
The jig is up: Excluding people from public life who insist on their right to bodily autonomy in rejecting an experimental injection (previously a much-touted right) is medical coercion and blackmail – a complete violation of the most basic human rights. Seven plaintiffs have now filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the perpetrators. The charges against them are very serious.
The 16 individuals include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with several other British authorities, as well as the presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum.
One of the seven applicants is Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer.
According to the charge, the 16 individuals have violated the Nuremberg Code and Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21 and 53 of the Rome Statute. The Nuremberg Code established 10 standards to which doctors must adhere in performing experiments on human subjects.
The ICC is a permanent, independent court that investigates global crimes and is governed by an international treaty known as the Rome Statute, which has been ratified by more than 120 countries, including the United States. It has the authority to step in when a member state fails to take appropriate action in bringing criminals to justice.
In all, the 16 defendants named in the legal filing are:
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID
Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance
Bill Gates
Melinda Gates
Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca
Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson & Johnson
Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO
Boris Johnson, U.K. prime minister
Christopher Whitty, U.K. chief medical adviser
Matthew Hancock, former U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care
Medicines and Healthcare, current U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care
June Raine, U.K. chief executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
Dr. Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation
Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum
“I believe [Covid-19 booster shots] are going to be used to damage your health and possibly kill you. I can see no sensible interpretation other than a serious attempt at mass depopulation,” Yeadon warned in a Planet Lockdown interview published in April 2021.
Article 6 of the Rome Statute which refers to genocide, include the following acts: Killing, causing serious physical or mental harm, imposition of measures designed to reduce fertility, or deliberate infliction of living conditions aimed at total or partial destruction. The latter entails the destruction of businesses, the transfer of wealth through imposed lockdowns, and damage to human immune systems through denial of early treatment, mandatory masks, blackmail and coercion.
The complaint states that “a covert war has been waged against the people of the UK (and the world) through the release of the biological weapon SARS-Cov-2 and the additional bioweapon m-RNA gene therapy “vaccines”.
The indictment also includes an indictment of mens rea, i.e. intent to commit a crime, stating that “the members of the UK Government and international leaders against whom we have brought this lawsuit are knowingly working on behalf of this global agenda for depopulation through the biological weapons known as SARS-Cov-2 and the mRNA ‘vaccines’ are known”.
The plaintiffs have demanded a full investigation into traces of graphene hydroxide in some of the vials, as well as the murder of Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist and leading graphene expert. In his doctoral thesis, Noack described the conversion of graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide.
On November 23, 2021, Noack explained in a video what graphene hydroxide is and how the nanostructures injected into the human body act like “razor blades” in the veins of the “vaccine” recipients. On November 26, 2021, just hours after the release of his last video on graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide, he was found murdered.
In an interview published on FWM, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich said that the data now available show a series planned acts: “From my point of view as a lawyer, there is incontrovertible evidence of premeditated murder.”
Originally focused on exposing PCR test fraud, the committee now has evidence that vaccine manufacturers used different batch numbers to experiment on threshold tolerance of these experimental substances.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, former chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe, said there was “hard evidence” of this. He pointed to research published in late 2021 showing that just 5 percent of batches accounted for 100 percent of the sudden fatalities.
German public broadcasters are again making propaganda for the hijab, triggering a shitstorm
The CDU member of parliament Matthias Hauer has criticised the content channel “Funk” of the German public broadcasters ARD and ZDF for a report on the Muslim head veil Hijab. “In some countries, people fight to be allowed to take it off. They are threatened to life and limb for it,” he admonished on Twitter on Sunday.
Funk let this slip under the radar. “Funk is not bothered by this. Funk celebrates the hijab anyway,” the Christian Democratic Party politician went on to criticise.
The format “Datteltäter”, which belongs to the network and describes itself as “multi-ethnic and multi-religious”, had previously shared a video entitled “My headscarf, my choice”. “My hijab is part of me, as a woman, as a daughter as a Muslim woman,” several women profess in it. “My hijab is feminism that stands for freedom and dignity.”
Moreover, the Muslim veil stands for “anti-racism” because it is worn in different parts of the world. “Of course my hijab is also an object of your prejudices,” it continues.
Opinions differ on radio channels on social media. “It’s a personal choice,” comments one woman on Facebook. “Where is that feminism please, if I have to or want to cover up” because I am a woman and it is expected by men or my culture or religion?” writes another user. “It’s funny. In other countries, women risk their lives and freedom to take that off, and now we celebrate something that is all too often unfree and oppressive,” reads another response.
French Interior Minister awards Order of Merit to Roubaix mayor accused of using taxpayers’ money to fund Islamist propaganda in schools
immediately after his arrival at the Ministry of the Interior, awarded the Mayor of #Roubaix, who is accused in the report, with the National Order of Merit.
The Roubaix-based association AIR (Ambition et initiatives pour la réussite) has been accused of carrying out religious activities since March 2021, although it was subsidised. Under the guise of tutoring, the organisation, which is housed in public premises, gave Arabic lessons that apparently concealed Quranic courses.
While the association denies everything from the beginning, we have published numerous proofs to the contrary. And on Sunday evening, the broadcast Zone interdite on the M6 channel investigated further . The programme’s journalists went into the association’s premises with a hidden camera. This allowed them to collect statements that differed from the official narrative. “We don’t do it this year because we are monitored by the state,” whispers a teacher of the association. A mother adds: “There used to be two sessions a week, one for Islamic education and one for the Quran. My daughter, she was three years old, knew all the suras!” Another: “They teach the Quran, religion, prayers and all that. The director told me, “We’re waiting until things calm down because we’re afraid they’ll close us down.”La Voix du Nord
There’s disturbing vaccine data coming from Scotland
By Andrea Widburg
The vaccines are proving to be a constantly moving target. Two shots will save us. No, three will. No, better make it four. Heck, let’s just keep it open-ended but you better get shots if you want to work, shop, eat out, go to a concert, maybe even board a plane. But what happens to this manic shot regime when we’re beginning to get data showing that, not only do the shots not prevent people from getting COVID (which is the traditional effect of a vaccine) but that they may actually leave people more vulnerable to COVID?
Israel, which was so terrified of having COVID shut it down, thereby leaving it vulnerable to the genocidal organizations and nations around it, embarked upon the most aggressive vaccination program in the world. Now, it’s the nation with the world’s highest per capita COVID rate, per a weekend report:
Israel recorded 69,201 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours, according to an update to the Health Ministry’s website on Friday.
There are 427,023 active Covid cases in Israel, making it the country with the highest number of cases per capita, ahead of Slovenia.
The caseload, driven by the highly contagious omicron variant, includes 638 patients in serious condition and 124 on artificial lung ventilation. Of those currently hospitalized in serious condition, 84% are over the age of 60.
The death toll, as of Friday afternoon, was at 8,371.
The positivity rate in Covid tests reached record highs of 20.13 percent.
In total, 2.2 million Israelis were infected since the start of the pandemic. Some 4.5 million received three doses of the vaccine and over 500,000 four doses.
That kind of news report tells me that the vaccines don’t work as vaccines. That is, they do nothing to stop people from getting the disease. This runs counter to our 200-year-old understanding of what a vaccine is; namely, a vaccine is the single dose of a substance that triggers the body’s natural immune system ensuring that the person will never get the infectious agent that is the vaccine’s target (e.g., smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, etc.).
Indeed, the CDC’s Rochelle Walensky has conceded that the vaccines neither stop people from catching nor spreading COVID. The new rap from the CDC is that the shots formerly known as vaccines are now therapeutics. Oh, and there’s no end to the number you’ll have to take to get that vax pass for working, shopping, traveling, education, etc.
None of that, though, addresses the newest, most concerning information about the vaccines: What if it turns out that they’re not even a therapeutic? What if you get more sick, not less sick, from the vaccination? Data out of Scotland suggests that this is a real possibility:
Scottish data shows that the COVID-19 age-standardized case rate is highest among the two-dose vaccinated and lowest among unvaccinated! It further shows this trend of negative efficacy for the double-vaccinated persisting for hospitalizations and deaths. Something is very wrong here, and together with other data points, it raises concerning questions about the negative effect of waning antibodies, constant boosting, and the consequences of a leaky vaccine with narrow-spectrum suboptimal antibodies against an ever-evolving virus.
Daniel Horowitz has a detailed analysis of the data in the above-linked article, and I recommend reading it.
Of course, this was always a risk with mRNA vaccines. In August, Pandra Selivanov wrote about the chicken experiments that today’s arrogant scientists ignored:
Marek’s disease affects chickens, not humans. It’s one of the deadliest viruses in the world, killing one hundred percent of unvaccinated chickens in ten days. Not even Ebola, one of the most feared viruses that affects humans, kills everyone it infects. Maybe only ten percent of people infected with Ebola live, but that’s still ten percent more than chickens infected with Marek’s.
And why am I thinking about a disease that infects only chickens? It’s because the vaccine for Marek’s not only protects chickens against the disease but it also makes the virus far more dangerous. Vaccinated birds rarely die but can spread Marek’s to unvaccinated birds, just as vaccinated humans can spread variants of COVID to unvaccinated humans.
At the end of all of this, we’re going to discover that the vaccines made minimal difference to the spread of COVID. I think we’ll also discover that, in America alone, hundreds of thousands of people died because the Fauci-guided bureaucratic and medical institutions insisted on these pointless vaccines while ignoring therapeutics.