Author: fredalanmedforth
Reiner Füllmich: ‘We, the people, are going to put an end to this’
“We have an international group of lawyers who will soon – probably by the end of next week – start legal proceedings,” lawyer Reiner Füllmich said at a press conference in Brussels at the beginning of this week.
The media briefing was called by Children’s Health Defense Europe. “There will be a real judge, there will be real lawyers, real expert witnesses and real witnesses, who will talk about the damage they have suffered from the measures, especially the jabs,” Füllmich said.
He said he was convinced that the testimonies would lead to indictments of “dangerous war criminals”. More importantly, the truth about what is happening to the people of the world will come out, he added. “We, the people, are going to put an end to this. No one else.”
And we will have to disconnect ourselves from this totally corrupt and criminal system and set up our own system, he said. “That is already happening.”
Füllmich urged all citizens to get rid of the globalist structures that the Davos clique is using in a desperate attempt to gain full power over us. “Turn away from the criminal Davos clique and its puppets, and create something new, completely independent of this rotten system.”
“We will get help, but we must hurry,” the lawyer stressed. He is convinced that the legal proceedings will be a “very powerful catalyst”.
The communist presidential candidate in France compares an Islamist toy shop selling faceless dolls to a weapon shop
The discussion was heated. This is not surprising between Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Éric Zemmour. The two candidates for the presidential elections next April debated on the programme “Face à Baba”, broadcast on C8 on Thursday January the 27th. They talked about immigration and the great exchange and the creolisation of France, but also about the recent Zone Interdite television documentary on Islamism. The leader of the La France insoumise (LFI) party drew a strange comparison between the faceless dolls that have been causing a lot of commotion for a few days and a weapon shop.
On Sunday January the 23rd, M6 broadcast a documentary entitled “Face au danger de l’islam radical, les réponses de l’État” (Faced with the danger of radical Islam, the state’s responses). Zone Interdite focused on several cities in France such as Marseille, Trappes or even Roubaix. In this municipality in the north of France, a toy shop is said to sell “dolls without faces”. This is to respect a radical version of Islam that forbids the representation of human beings. In “Face à Baba”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon explained that he had not had time to watch this broadcast because of the “extremely gruelling” presidential election campaign. Nevertheless, the radical left candidate claimed to have seen excerpts. He was then questioned by Éric Zemmour about the “faceless dolls”. Although he “didn’t like it”, Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced a “particularly dishonest broadcast” and judged that the camera crew “manipulated everyone to present a terrible image of Roubaix”.
“Funny shops are everywhere. There is a shop downstairs in my house”. Indeed, Jean-Luc Mélenchon pointed out that “near the Gare de l’Est” in Paris … there is “a weapon shop”. “There are swords, masses of weapons … I did not deduce from this that the whole street or the whole city is made up of people ready to kill each other.” The MP then pointed his finger at his opponent on the Face à Baba stage: “You are shown a distorted image and that’s it, you believe in it, you no longer have any critical faculties.” According to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “the real problem of Roubaix is not the faceless dolls, but the misery”.
Swedish girls described as ‘whores’ by Somali community, according to police reports
Girls with a Somali background are not allowed to hang out with girls with a Swedish background because “the Swedish girls are described as whores,” by a large number of Sweden’s foreign-born population, according to a report from Swedish public broadcaster SVT Nyheter.
Widespread racism against ethnic Swedes in a Swedish neighborhood of Tjärna Ängar in Borlänge, which features a large concentration of Somali immigrants, was revealed in the Uppdrag granskning TV program. The program detailed the police reports in question for the first time.
“The local police describe that young Somali girls are not allowed to hang out with Swedish girls. The reason is that the Swedish girls are described as ‘whores’ based on their lives, including the style of their dress,” states the report called “Area document Tjärna Ängar 2019.”
The Swedish television program had access to all reports that the Borlänge police have submitted to the National Operations Department (NOA) since 2015. These reports form the basis for Tjärna Ängar to be included in the list of “vulnerable areas.”
In the documentation, which extends until December 2021, the police give a detailed picture of what problems they see in the area.
In a police report from 2019, local police officers talked about “racism from foreign-born towards Swedish-born” and about a ban in certain circles on mixing with people of Swedish origin.
Similar wording is included in the police’s area report from 2021. Police officers said that school staff testified that this attitude is also a problem in the school environment.
“I think it is parents who have prejudices. Everyone has prejudices. I believe that foreign-born parents have prejudices about the Swedish young people and that they then want to try in their own way to protect their daughters,” says local police officer Marie Edlund.
Does this mean they want them to be protected from Swedish girls who they describe as whores?
“Yes, I interpret it so, based on the information we heard then, that they talked about it in that way,” she confirmed.
Sweden, known for its progressive and open culture, has taken in immigrants from a range of third world countries with radically different cultures, especially in regards to women’s rights. Problems has arisen around female genital mutilation, sexual assault, and child marriages. More broadly, Sweden has experienced a drastic increase in crime rates, shootings, harassment, and murders in tandem with rising immigration numbers.
Elon Musk declares war on Biden’s handlers, vaccine shills, over EV snub

In response to the Biden administration’s efforts to sideline TESLA, Elon Musk has stepped forward to defend his company and also to expose the band of mediocre vaccine shills, voicing support for the anti-jab Canadian trucker protest.
“I meant it when I said the future was going to be made right here in America. Companies like GM and Ford are building more electric vehicles here at home than ever before,” US President Joe Biden tweeted, ignoring the advances made by Musk’s company TESLA.
TESLA has completely outperformed European carmakers in the race for electrical vehicles. Musk has turned TESLA into the global leader in electric car sales. Musk responded to this taunt by Biden by saying: “Starts with a T, Ends with an A, ESL in the middle.”
Musk called Biden a liar and added that “Biden is a damp sock puppet in human form,” using the emoji for a sock. He said the doddering American leader was “treating the American public like fools” in commenting on a Twitter user who had pointed out that Biden was “trying to cancel a great American company [Tesla] and rewrite EV [Electric Vehicle] history”.
Musk marked his disdain for the inflation administration. “It’s pretty bizarre that despite its well-established reputation with EVs, the Biden administration seemingly wants nothing to do with TESLA.”
News blog highlighted the total failure of General Motors in the development and sales of electrical vehicles: “As a point of reference, GM delivered only 26 EVs in the fourth quarter, compared to TESLA’s delivery of more than 900 000 electric vehicles.”
‘Canadian truckers rule’
The South African-born tech billionaire also praised a convoy of truckers heading for the Canadian capital Ottawa to protest against Justin Trudeau’s ridiculous vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and non-sensical lockdowns.
He reminded his over 70 million followers that the CB radios which truckers use, were free from government and media control in an endorsement of the drivers’ pro-freedom stand. The truckers are furious after the Canadian government enacted a requirement forcing all cross-border truck drivers to be injected as of January 15, while the US has imposed the same requirement on truckers entering the country.
The Canadian Freedom Convoy heading from British Columbia to Ottawa has meanwhile broken a new world record for the longest convoy ever. “It’s 70 kilometers long,” Benjamin Dichter, spokesman for the convoy, told the Toronto Sun. “I’ve seen footage shot on an airplane. It’s impressive.”
On Wednesday the truckers drove through Manitoba and on Friday they reached southern Ontario. A large protest is being organized at the parliament in Ottawa on Saturday.
The convoy is estimated to be 10 times longer than the previous world record, consisting of 50 000 trucks from the west, east and even the United States. It looks like Ottawa will be overrun by trucks on January 29.
Thousands of Canadians have braved the bitter cold along the route in support of their truckers. The anti-vaccine grassroots movement that has grown much bigger than the organizers could have ever imagined.
The truckers’ protest is aimed at the vaccination obligation for truckers and other absurd Corona rules, such as the obligation to wear a face mask in trucks. For the Canadian people, the convoy has become a beacon of hope. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dismissed the convoy as a “small fringe”.
The triple vaccinated cowardly Trudeau however announced that he had gone into “isolation” for five days despite a negative test as thousands of Canadians converge on Ottawa to protest the vaccine mandates.
Where is the UN data on deaths for 2020?
On Thursday afternoon, the chief of TESLA and SpaceX questioned the United Nations because they have not yet issued its 2020 death statistics.
“If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny,” Musk tweeted and added that such tyrants should be “voted out”.
Germany: Afghan allegedly murdered his gay adoptive father out of greed – Now he marries his German girlfriend before the start of the trial
He allegedly lured the man who adopted him three months earlier to a building shell and killed him there in cold blood. Hedayat S. (32) will stand trial on these charges from February 15.
Murder out of greed – that’s what the indictment says! Now the newspaper BILD has learned that the Afghan wants to marry before the trial.
The bride is his girlfriend of many years. He lived with her in Bergisch Gladbach. There, officers arrested “Hedy” a few days after the crime in summer last year.
Had the accused been planning the crime against millionaire Herbert S. (†75) for years? Ever since the two met on a golf course in Overath, the young man flirted with the homosexual pensioner. Until he even adopted him. An acquaintance told BILD: “Herbert had no children of his own and no family left. I advised Herbert against doing it.”
Hedayat’s defence lawyer Mustafa Kaplan rejects the accusations: “The indictment is inspired by the idea of extracting the maximum possible. Obviously, they don’t even shy away from fabricating something.” And further: “My client is a hopeless romantic who now wants to marry his girlfriend of many years.”
After his death, Herbert S. was buried anonymously in the presence of his closest friends.
Montpellier: He films himself tearing down a poster of Marine Le Pen and saying: “La Paillade 35,000 inhabitants, 35,000 Arabs”, “Here we are in Morocco, we are not in France”, “We are in Morocco, we are not in France”
Itajaí, Brazil Citywide Prevention Program using Ivermectin Significantly Reduced COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Mortality Rate
On TikTok, devoutly Muslim influencers use the juvenile idioms to spread Salafism and proselytise
27-year-old Charlène had never entered that mosque’s doors in Lannion (Côtes-d’Armor) until that day in November 2021 when she decided to visit the mosque “in secret”. After months of hesitation, she finally contacted the imam and told him of her desire to convert to Islam. “This wish came to me after a difficult time,” she confesses on the phone.
Today she is a practising Muslim. The bakery employee, who was not baptised but attended Catholic schools, says she appreciates the ” atmosphere ” that Islam offers her. Charlène prays daily, eats halal and no longer drinks alcohol. “I follow the rules I think are right and best suited to my personality,” she explains. “But I can’t imagine not celebrating Christmas or my little son’s birthdays any more. I know it’s not right, but we all do stupid things!” “Not right?” Where did she hear that celebrating birthdays is a sin? The answer is in two words: on TikTok.
Charlène is a convert thanks in the first place to Redazere, a “ticktokeur” […].
(messages intended to remind the faithful of a theological or practical aspect), interspersed with images from the Korean series Squid Game or from his holiday in Mexico. Depending on the mood of the day and questions asked by commentators, the charismatic young man indicates which supplications he should say before an exam, promotes charity, poses take-along challenges – such as naming most of Allah’s names in 30 seconds – or claims that listening to music and looking at women is not allowed in Islam.
An account like that of “” makes it clear how much these online discourses have changed […] 469,000 subscribers […].
“As Muslims (…) we cannot afford to look like non-Muslims,” he says in response to a critical comment. “Islam is a way of life. And don’t forget: moderate Islam does not exist. The Islam we live is the Islam from the time of anNabi (the Prophet), and we cannot presume to change it.” When a subscriber challenged him on the existence of dinosaurs, the Tiktocrat sidestepped the issue, arguing that there were “more essential things to know” and that “Allah is the Knowing One.” […]
The 37-year-old Hamid S. is the face of “Comprends Ton Dîne” (Understand your Communion) […] 500,000 subscribers […].
He advises against birthday celebrations because they are “based on pagan foundations that contradict our religion”. Another video shows him taking down a poster of the French national football team, on the grounds that “in Islam it is forbidden to hang any kind of photo showing human or animal creatures”. Also in football: wearing a jersey with a cross, like that of FC Barcelona, “is not allowed in Islam, simply because the Barça cross is a religious symbol.” […]
Underneath a video in which Redazere claims that it is “super bad” to perform only four out of five prayers, a teenager wrote: “Reda, because of your videos I am scared. I’m only 13 years old and I find (…) that I’m burdened with too many sins, that I’m not doing enough for Allah.” The distribution capacity of videos on TikTok is all the greater because people do not have to search for content there to see it. The social network’s “For You” window constantly suggests new videos to users, selected by the algorithm based on their previous interactions. In the past, you had to know Salafism to find this content,” comments Damien Saverot, a PhD student at the École Normale Supérieure. Today, we have influencers who do not openly profess Salafism, who spread it among people who are not familiar with it, pretending that it is simply Islam. This helps to impose Salafism as a reference norm in the collective imagination.”La Croix