Austria: Muslim taxi driver kicked kissing gay couple out of vehicle

Austria, Vienna, Vienna Prater, Riesenrad, David Monniaux,  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

The foreign infiltration in Vienna is now apparently also leading to social problems in the gay community. An Islamic taxi driver did not want to transport two kissing men.

Kissing among men is against religion

Christopher Wolf, senior physician in cardiology, made the incident public himself on his Facebook page. According to the story, he wanted to drive home from a Christmas party with his partner – in a taxi. But when Wolf kissed his husband in the back seat of the vehicle, the driver saw red. That was against his religion, the Muslim taxi driver allegedly said and forced the two men to get out.

Senior physician in cardiology feels discriminated against

In his Facebook post, Wolf cannot grasp the incident. “Where do I live here?” the doctor asks with a double question mark and continues to write resignedly:

After all, nobody cares if you are discriminated against as a senior cardiologist in Austria, not even 70 years after Nazi socialism!!!!!

Commentator Alexander B. agrees with him:

This is bad, this is the point where we have to let Islamists tell us what we are allowed to do and what we are not allowed to do, thanks to our government,(sarcasm) which has opened the door for these people.I am really not a racist and if foreigners behave properly and adapt, all OK…but this is not right at all, I would sue 31300 without any ifs and buts!!!!

Comment writer: “Quite Islamophobic!”

Friedrich G., on the other hand, accuses the doctor of populism:

Hooray, congratulations for 15 minutes of limelight, maybe the wolf with ZIB2 will still work out? You are as important as the cargo bike that just fell over.

And under the synonym “New Truths” a user writes succinctly:

Quite Islamophobic!

Taxi company apologises

The taxi company concerned, 31300, also joined the comment writers and apologised for the incident. The taxi company wrote:

Dear Mr Wolf,
We very much regret the incident you have described and will do everything in our power to clarify it in detail and to take appropriate action.
We would like to point out that Taxi 31300 is a Viennese operator that has stood for diversity and tolerance for decades.
With our previous commitments, such as the Rainbow Ball and Vienna Pride, we openly emphasise the values we stand for.
Cooperations with taxi entrepreneurs who are not prepared to support our values will be consistently terminated.
Employees who violate our values will face legal consequences.
We are also available for personal contact.
If you are interested, please send a short message to
Your Taxi 31300 Radio Line