Austria: Hans can’t pick up his urgently needed medication from the post office because Ali from the post office is celebrating Eid

Anyone who wanted to collect a parcel from a postal partner in the Brigittenau district of Vienna today was faced with locked doors. Photo: Z.V.g.

Social change in Austria is progressing faster than expected due to illegal immigration. People are noticing this especially today, Wednesday, at the end of the Islamic Ramadan, the “Eid”.

As reported, schoolwork has been postponed and it is not only Muslim children who have been given time off school to celebrate the Islamic festival at home. Many parents are of course wondering why Austrian children have to adapt to the beliefs of Muslims and not the children of parents who have arrived from foreign cultures to our customs and traditions.

It becomes worrying when urgently needed medication does not reach the patient due to the “Eid”. This happened today to a citizen in the Brigittenau district of Vienna who wanted to collect a parcel containing syringes and medicines for his wife from the post office. But the man was faced with locked doors – the partner of Austrian Post, an operator of a “mobile phone shop” in Klosterneuburger Straße, was closed. The passers-by, who didn’t quite speak Austrian either, told the man that the postal partner was closed for Eid. There was no sign on the door or in the shop window.

Now the man is presumably forced to wait for his consignment until the festival, which often lasts two days, comes to an end and he can finally collect the medication for his wife.

Warten auf Medikamente: Auch Postpartner feiert Ende des Ramadan – Unzensuriert