An Afghan migrant has been sentenced to eight years in prison for brutally beating a 16-year-old Austrian boy with a belt, with the belt buckle spike puncturing the teen’s skull so deeply that it nearly killed him. The Afghan man was well known to police for various crimes, including sexually harassing teen girls near the city’s lake, but was never deported — instead he was cared for by a Christian charity.
During the incident in June of this year, the 35-year-old Afghan asylum seeker and two 16-year-olds became embroiled in a dispute in the city of Horn in the town square. The two boys allegedly wanted to throw away a bag laying on the ground next to the Afghan man, but the latter became furious because the bag allegedly still contained his food.
The dispute escalated from there, with the Afghan man removing his belt, at which point he began attacking the boys with it. Although one 16-year-old only suffered slight injuries, the Afghan’s belt buckle spike punctured the other boy’s skull, digging 2.5 centimeters deep, which produced a life-threatening injury. The teen had to be airlifted by an emergency helicopter took him to the university hospital in St. Pölten, where the victim underwent emergency surgery, according to a report from Austrian newspaper Heute.
A 53-year-old man courageously intervened, who tried to stop the man from attacking the teens, and he also suffered serious injuries.
Christian W. screamed at the attacker to clam down, but the attacker either did not want or could not understand. Instead, he attacked Christian W. as well.
“Come on, take your foot off the gas,” he shouted at his attacker. Christian W. suffered a broken collarbone, numerous bruises and cuts from the belt, and required stitches on his ear in the hospital.
In many cases, psychiatrists are quick to diagnose mental illness, which results in migrants avoiding jail time. In this case, the man was placed in a “forensic therapeutic center” because he had a “long-term mental disorder, namely a combined personality disorder with narcissistic, antisocial and emotionally unstable traits to a serious extent.”
On Tuesday, the man was sentenced to eight years in prison in the Krems regional court for serious intentional bodily harm, damage to property, and resisting arrest.
He previously had convictions for bodily harm and attempted coercion, and had served months in prison. He also attacked prison staff by biting, kicking, and punching them, resulting in additional charges.
In another incident, he was arrested for sexually harassing two girls near a lake in Horn. During the incident, he took photos of the girls with his phone, which were recovered by the police.
The man claims to not know his exact date of birth and has no documentation. The judge determined he had failed to make positive contributions to society since he arrived in Austria. He lived on social benefits, was unemployed, and was cared for by the Catholic charity Charitas.
Christian W. and the 16-year-old victim now belong to the long line of victims throughout Europe who are attacked on a daily basis, both physically and sexually. In many cases, teens are losing their lives to criminal migrants who authorities refuse to deport.
Foreigners make up an overwhelmingly disproportionate share of Austria’s prison population, and it is no surprise. They have been involved in some of the most heinous crimes in past years, including unbelievable gang rapes and high-profile murders. To illustrate just one case, 19 migrants are standing trial for raping a 12-year-old Austrian girl over the course of months in Vienna.
It is not just crime either, but Austria’s school, healthcare and social systems are overwhelmed due to mass immigration.