Austria: 14-year-old suspected IS supporter in custody

A 14-year-old suspected supporter of the radical Islamic terror militia ‘Islamic State’ (IS) is in custody in Korneuburg. The teenager is said to have shared and posted files glorifying IS. Josef Mechtler, spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office, confirmed a report by the newspaper Krone in response to an APA enquiry. The files showed ‘some members of IS known from the media, some attacks, some IS symbols and flags’, said Mechtler. There were also calls for violence against people of other faiths. The content was reportedly shared and posted on various channels. Following his arrest at the end of July, the 14-year-old was remanded in custody, which was extended on August 8 due to the risk of committing and carrying out the crime. According to the report, the suspect has Afghan roots.

According to the report, the tip-off about the pupil came from Germany, where the boy’s TikTok and Instagram profiles came to light during internet monitoring. According to Krone, investigators found a photo on the boy’s smartphone showing three people with their heads marked in red, one of them a Viennese city politician. A handgun can also be seen and a call to kill can be read. The suspect stated that he had only forwarded this picture, the report said. He did not even know the politician. The discovery was not confirmed by the Korneuburg public prosecutor’s office on enquiry, ‘for reasons of criminal tactics’ the spokesperson kept a low profile.

14-jähriger mutmaßlicher IS-Anhänger in U-Haft – UnserTirol24

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