Australia: 95 per cent of those undergoing medical treatment in hospitals are vaccinated

Australia has recently been in the European news because of the massive crackdown by state authorities on critics of the radical Corona measures.

The newspaper Kronen Zeitung is also currently reporting on the far away continent. There, “despite a lockdown that has been in effect for almost two months, the Corona figures in the state of Victoria continue to rise”.

What the Kronen Zeitung does not report, however, is the press conference held yesterday, Tuesday, by the Health Minister of the State of Victoria in south-eastern Australia, Martin Foley. There he explained that 375 people were currently in hospital with a Covid-19 diagnosis. Of these, 81 are in intensive care and 61 require a ventilator.

Seventy-eight per cent of the hospitised Corona patients on Monday were fully vaccinated and another 17 per cent once vaccinated, he said on television. Makes a total of 95 per cent vaccinated out of all Corona hospital cases!

This is remarkable because less than half of Australians are vaccinated. Victoria’s official vaccination rate is 47.7 per cent of the 4.3 million population for fully vaccinated and 31 per cent for once vaccinated.

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