Breathe a sigh of relief before the upcoming European Championships: shortly before the big event, police and state security possibly thwarted a terrorist attack on a public viewing event. The German-Moroccan-Polish national Soufian T. (23) was planning to apply as a steward. Checks revealed that he was an Islamist.
Shortly before the upcoming European Championships, the German police and state security forces may have prevented a terrorist attack at a public viewing event. As the newspaper ‘Bild’ learnt, the German-Moroccan-Polish national Soufian T. (23) was planning to apply as a steward.
When checking the application, the investigators discovered that Soufian T. was already known to the State Security Service and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as an Islamist. Based on these findings, the Cologne Police Headquarters rejected the accreditation for the European Championships.
In addition, state security established that the Islamist had also applied for two other accreditations – namely for Rock am Ring and the 24-hour race at the Nürburgring. These applications were also rejected.
During further investigations, the Federal Police informed the state security officers that the terror suspect had already booked a one-way ticket from Cologne/Bonn Airport to Istanbul at the beginning of May, ‘Bild’ also reported.
As a result, the Federal Criminal Police Office was called in to carry out further investigations into the Islamist’s cash flows and internet activities. As the suspicion of a terrorist connection continued to grow, the Federal Public Prosecutor General opened an investigation on suspicion of supporting a terrorist organisation abroad.
Anschlag geplant? Islamist versucht sich als Ordner bei der Fußball-EM zu bewerben | Exxpress