As Directed by Failing British PM Starmer, Labour MPs Betray the Children, Vote to BLOCK National Inquiry Into the Grooming Gangs Scandal – Reform UK and Tories React

West Yorkshire Police

After decades of sweeping under the rug the massive tragedy of millions of raped and trafficked girls by Muslim grooming gangs, it did seem that now, with all the international pressure we are applying, this issue would be investigated as thoroughly as it should.

But, no – Labour MPs have voted to block a national inquiry into the grooming gangs.

The weak Conservatives did what they do: complain.

Tories accused Starmer of using his ‘supermajority’ to block the inquiry.

Chris Philp, shadow home secretary:

“It is disgusting that Keir Starmer has used his supermajority in Parliament to block a national inquiry into the rape gangs scandal.

Labour MPs have put their Party ahead of getting to the truth and turned a blind eye to justice for the victims. [They] will have to explain to the British people why they are against learning the truth behind the torture and rape of countless vulnerable girls. We will not let them forget this act of cowardice.”

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