An illegally staying North African migrant in Mons, Belgium, tried to smuggle drug parcels over the prison walls. ‘A humanitarian gesture during Ramadan for people who have to do without everything,’ he justifies himself

A man, a North African living illegally in the country, is checked. In his bag, the police find various packets labelled as such. They contain cocaine and marijuana.

The person does not deny that he was supposed to throw these packages over the prison walls. Messages on his mobile phone show that he has placed about 20 orders from prison since February 3. However, he said that it was a humanitarian gesture during Ramadan for the people in prison who lacked everything. / Mons (Bel) : un migrant maghrébin tentait de faire passer des paquets de drogue au-dessus des murs de la prison. “Un geste humanitaire en période de Ramadan pour des gens privés de tout” se défend-il. – Fdesouche

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