Almost 2 gang rapes happen every single day in multicultural Germany, and cases more than doubled in just 3 years

Not only are gang rape cases growing at a shocking rate in Germany, but new data shows that almost every second gang rape suspect does not have German citizenship.

The information has come to light after Alternative for Germany (AfD) member of parliament, Stephan Brandner, requested the German government release statistics on gang rapes. It shows that in 2021, 677 gang rapes occurred, and suspects were identified in 462 cases.

In 2018, there were around 300 such gang rapes, which means there has been an over 120 percent increase in just a matter of three years.

What is behind the massive rise in gang rapes?

This is “imported crime and criminals,” said Brandner in a statement, “After all, the proportion of non-German suspects recorded is 47 percent and that with a proportion of foreigners in Germany of around 13 percent.”

As with other serious crimes, although foreigners without German citizen make up a small fraction o the population, they are vastly overrepresented, including in sexual assault, rape, robbery, and murder.

The statistics do not tell the whole story either, as the data is only broken down between Germans and foreigners. The ethnic background or any other possible foreign citizenship of the suspects is not considered. As a result, it is unclear how many of the rape suspects are ethnic Germans and how many of them are foreigners who have obtained German citizenship or Germans with a foreign background who have obtained citizenship over the generations.

One trend is clear: gang rapes have rapidly accelerated following the migrant crisis of 2015. The number of gang rapes in Germany has skyrocketed since 2015, as has the proportion of foreign offenders. That information already emerged from an earlier request from the AfD parliamentary group at the end of 2019. Group rapes are often not so-called relational acts in which the perpetrator knew the victim personally. It partly explains why the apprehension rate for suspects is relatively low.

Critics have spoken out in the past about the role of migrants in Germany’s growing gang rape problem.

Necla Kelek, a Turkish-born German feminist and women’s rights activist, called on the German government to finally address the problem head-on and the role migration is playing in Germany’s rape problem.

“Migration research must question how a young girl can become a victim of men who come from another cultural area,” Kelek said. “Gang rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman. If society leaves them alone with this, the soul is almost wiped out.”

Brandner, who also serves as a legal adviser to the AfD parliamentary group, says that the German government must prioritize the issue.

Federal Minister of the Interior [Nancy] Faeser should finally address this issue and fight resolutely to ensure that such conditions no longer exist in Germany,” Brandner emphasizes.

The far-left Faeser is known for writing in Antifa magazine, and using skewed statistics to claim that Germany’s biggest threat is right-wing extremism. She has remained mostly silent on left-wing violence, shocking migrant crime figures, and Islamic extremism.

Some of the most high-profile gang rape cases in recent years have involved large groups of migrant males.

In 2021, three migrants, two Syrians aged 18 and 20 and a 21-year-old Iraqi, were arrested in the Lower Saxony town of Leer for brutally beating and gang-raping a 16-year-old German girl. The three Middle Eastern men are said to have arrived in Germany with their families during the first wave of the migrant crisis in 2015.

Also in 2021, prosecutors admitted that 10 out of 12 men involved in the rape of a 15-year-old girl from the city of Hamburg were migrants. The rape lasted more than two hours and was filmed by the perpetrators.

In a case that made national headlines, 10 migrant men gang raped a girl in Freiburg. Dating back to 2016, the case was a shock at the time, but as gang rape has become more routine, the German media has been more adverse to giving headline coverage to such incidents, as such cases could threaten Germany’s open borders posture, as advocated by the left-liberal establishment. The men were only sentenced to prison in 2020, four years after the incident occurred.

In many cases, those convicted in such cases face little in terms of consequences from Germany’s notoriously lenient justice system. For example, five migrants convicted of gang raping a woman in Berlin were offered suspended sentences for confessing to the crime, which meant they would not have to serve any prison time at all as long as they did not reoffend.

Germany is not the only problem with gang rape crimes from migrant males. In fact, foreigners are vastly overrepresented in other countries as well, including Sweden. As Remix News previously reported, the numbers out of Sweden are truly stunning:

“In 2018, Swedish newspaper Expressen reported on this growing trend in Sweden. After an investigation into the court cases involving gang rape over the previous two years, the paper found that there were 43 men convicted of the offense. The paper also determined that of the 40 out of the 43 men with gang rape convictions, they were either immigrants who were born abroad or born in Sweden to immigrant parents.

Another investigation also found that since July 2012, there were 112 men and boys convicted for gang rape. Of those, 82 were born outside of Europe. The median age of victims was only 15, while seven out of ten perpetrators were between 15 and 20.”

When a group of Swedish academics determined that migrants were vastly overrepresented in such cases, they faced prosecution, with the data seen as an embarrassment to the media and government.

One thought on “Almost 2 gang rapes happen every single day in multicultural Germany, and cases more than doubled in just 3 years”

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