‘Allahu Akbar”: City of Berlin organises Ramadan fast-breaking in front of church! – Green district mayor calls it a ‘ gesture against the shift to the right’

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Unbelievable events in the Wedding district of Berlin on Wednesday: hundreds of Muslims gather on Leopoldplatz for a joint fast-breaking event organised by the city of Berlin and local initiatives. After a few speeches, ‘Allahu Akbar’ echoes across the square – in front of the Protestant Nazareth Church, mind you.
Remarkable: Leopoldplatz is considered one of the most criminal and neglected squares in Berlin. Drugs are traded openly on the square and criminal offences are committed time and again. The city of Berlin recently announced that random checks (including for knives) could be carried out on the square in Berlin-Wedding.

Several hundred people gathered there on Wednesday for what is known as Iftar. They had brought home-made food with them, which was eaten in the evening hours after the end of the fast. The district mayor praised the 160 nations living together here. She saw the public breaking of the fast as a ‘ gesture against the shift to the right’.
A short time later, ‘Allahu Akbar’ echoed across the square where the Nazareth Church is located …

Stadt Berlin veranstaltet Ramadan-Fastenbrechen vor Kirche! – Bezirksbürgermeisterin nennt es „Zeichen gegen Rechtsruck“ | NIUS.de

One thought on “‘Allahu Akbar”: City of Berlin organises Ramadan fast-breaking in front of church! – Green district mayor calls it a ‘ gesture against the shift to the right’”

  1. — Speaking of churches being disrespected….
    — Did anyone notice the news story, just the other day, about a young woman being killed (plus several hospitalized) when a van rammed into them on the London Strand? The Woke Brit press assure us it had nothing to do with terrorism.
    — Well, what the Lying Leftist Brit news media failed to mention was that the young woman was sitting on a bench in a church garden at the time she was killed. The famous Episcopal church St Mary le Strand is surrounded by a small garden area with benches. Bystanders described the van as coming around the corner at a high rate of speed, then making an abrupt turn into the pedestrian s-only area, then into the church garden, smashing its fence, plowing over the girls sitting on the bench, and coming to a stop after ramming into the church wall.
    — Interestingly, the female student who was killed has a foreign physical appearance and has the muse slim last name Mahomet. Hmm…. The penalty for apostasy in whiz slam is death. And here was a muse slim girl sitting happily in a church yard. It will be interesting to learn the name of the driver of the van. If they ever release it.

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