Afghan threatened to kill Austrian Chancellor Nehammer

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In the middle of the political debate about the fight against Islamist terror, an Afghan threatened to kill Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP). The handcuffs have now clicked for the man in Tyrol. The 28-year-old is in custody, as the newspaper “Krone” has learned.

The threat came a few days ago as a direct message on Instagram. “Change or I’ll come to parliament and kill you,” wrote the 28-year-old asylum seeker. The Afghan has also been convicted of other criminal offenses. He was originally arrested for roughhousing in Telfs in Tyrol.

The suspect was then investigated by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in close cooperation with regional police units and taken into custody because of his threat against the Chancellor. His explanation that the devil had written the message was of no use to him.

Arrest in Tyrol – Afghan threatened to kill Chancellor Nehammer |