Acted ‘on behalf of Allah’: In the German city of Darmstadt, an Afghan tried to kill numerous people with his car by driving with the intention of running amok

The crime scene Frankfurter Landstraße intersection Fuchsstraße in Darmstadt,

A road rage incident in Darmstadt on Monday may have an Islamist background. The driver, who is said to have ignored several red lights and also tried to run over passers-by, said after his arrest that he had acted ‘on the orders of Allah’, reports the newspaper Die Welt.

According to the report, the 24-year-old driver of the rampage is an Afghan with a German passport. The migrant is said to have been driving a BMW car at excessive speed, according to the police. ‘According to witnesses, he also drove off the road and through red lights. Fortunately, passers-by were able to react quickly and get to safety.’ He then rammed into a Skoda, seriously injuring a 29-year-old. ‘As a deliberate act cannot be ruled out at present, the Hessian State Office of Criminal Investigation has taken over the further investigation, which is currently being conducted in all directions,’ said the security authorities. However, they did not mention the Afghan’s religious statements.

It is currently being investigated whether the driver of the rampage was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. There are also indications that the man could be suffering from a mental disorder, reports Die Welt.

Amokfahrt in Darmstadt hatte offenbar islamistischen Hintergrund (

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