A Revolution in Europe – This ought to be a warning

A conservative revolution has swept Europe lifting parties in France, Italy and Germany.

After months of eco-riots, the public firmly rejected green fascism and kicked them to the curb. The results were especially stunning in Germany and France, but political earthquakes also rocked Belgium and Austria, and despite every possible effort to stop Geert Wilders, the Netherlands continues to swing further toward sanity.

The results are not genuinely surprising. A public suffering from a terrible economy, rising crime, migrant invasions and government overreach looked for answers, and rejected a Euracratic establishment that ran on open borders for every country except Ukraine and environmental austerity.

And parties right of center were able to seize the opportunity. Some did anyway.

Rishi Sunak’s Tories are headed for utter disaster and it’s hard to argue that they don’t deserve it. The thing that many people very invested in politics forget is that the general public is apolitical and in bad times will kick out whoever is in power. And the more the establishment shouts about who they shouldn’t consider voting for, they’re going to vote for them. That happened in Europe and polls suggest that it’s happening in the U.S.

Paradoxically, if the Dems hadn’t started raiding and arresting Trump, he might not be nearly as appealing to a section of the country that doesn’t care about issues, but does care about sending a very angry message.

“On 8 November, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth,” Michael Moore warned back in 2016, “And put a big f**king X in the box next to the name of the man who has threatened to upend and overturn the very system that ruined their lives. Donald J. Trump.”

For once he had a point. And the Biden regime connived to make this happen again in 2024 while little understanding the public dynamic at work. The public hates this economy, hates the elites telling them everything is fine and hates Biden.

But the flip side of that is the public hates the people in power. And is prone to kicking out the last man standing. It’s not a free pass, but an opportunity to earn it.

In Europe, the EUcrats will do everything possible to block the will of the people. As their counterparts will do in America.

The revolution in Europe ought to serve as a warning. Instead it will make the establishment even more insufferable and abusive.


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